Reviews for Look At Me
SarahCat1717 chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
Hot and made me tear up! So many kinds of good feels! And it helped that I just watched this episode today.
panicsatdiscos chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
I love this short little sweet thing. I can see why it made you happy writing it; it made me happy reading it. It's really so true, as well; so many things are told by eyes, and Jack is a prime example, as is Ianto. I firmly believe that Ianto knew that Jack loved him, and vice versa, and for me this is just another way for them to know that. Thanks for the smile!

(Sorry, I'm really bad at reviews :))
schlumpfinecelik chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
i really loved it! keep up
Torchwood Cardiff chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
Great story.:-)
badly-knitted chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
Love it!

I always felt these two say more to each other with looks and gestures than they ever do with words, communicating with no more than a brush of the fingers. Everything they need to say to each other is right there in their eyes and the rest of the team never even notices. They never seem to see past the masks these two wear anyway, never see Jack's self-doubt and vulnerability. But Ianto sees all that and more, and Jack sees Ianto just as clearly.
SiwgrGalon chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
Am I really the first one to review? Oh.

What can I say, except that this is really amazing? I aqlways thought they had some special "I know what you want me to know because I can read you" thing going on, but this story beautifully captured what I meant! The dynamics are great, and Ianto's opinion on all this is so... typicall Ianto. Calm and collected, but not distanced...

so, all in all: Thumbs up! I really like this one (: