Reviews for The Choice
Guest chapter 6 . 6/28
I’ve been leaving reviews on this since high school and now I’m in my third year of college and graduating next year, and I still can’t get this story out of my mind! The way you’ve written these characters, the dynamic between them, all the little nuances and the story as a whole - it’s literally been in my mind for YEARS and I’ll always have just a little small flicker of hope that maybe someday you’ll come back and post whatever remaining chapters you’ve written xx I know it’s been freaking forever already and writing fanfic and this fandom may be a closer chapter of your life, but we would literally brake anything you have left to give - whether if it’s just a summary of the direction of where this was headed or even a 3 sentence epilogue that jumps 2 years into the future and somehow they have ended up happily with no explanation idc I will take ANYTHING you have to offer. Wishing you all the best in everything xx
monica chapter 6 . 3/25
honestly it doesnt matter how old i get, this cliffhanger you left us in will always live in me
omg chapter 6 . 3/10
omg this fic was abandoned cliffhanger ripp
Necktattoosanonymous chapter 6 . 1/20
Awesome story. So sad it’s not finished.
bh0802 chapter 6 . 10/19/2019
Hey! I know it’s been a while now and you’ve probably moved onto other things in your life, and you might not even read these reviews anymore but on the off chance that you do, would you consider uploading the chapters that you have written already? I honestly am just in love with the way that you write your characters, you capture them so well and intricately in a way that you rarely find even with other amazing fics. Of all the unfinished fics left in the tvd fandom, I just can’t get over this one. I know that previously the fandom can get pretty toxic and rude and demanding, but there’s also a bunch of us still out there that respect and love y’alls work so much. I’m especially rooting for Damon and Elena in this story, and it would just be such a shame to not see them get their happy ending. So, if on the off chance that you see this, maybe you could consider uploading one day? For Christmas? Some sort of tvd finale anniversary? My notifications always will be turned on for you. Other than that, I hope everything in your life is going well. Much love.
DamonLover92 chapter 6 . 10/10/2019
Please update
Clem2605 chapter 6 . 7/24/2019

Well, I must admit that I've never seen such a beautifull story without an end...
I mean, this story is simply magic, how can you not end it? I don't even speak about the end, who come out of nowhere... I want some explanation!

Well, apart from that, I must say that I love your characters, they are so... I don"t know... Maybe it's because that's exclacly how I picture them?

Well, not matter what, even if I don"t think you"re going to finish this, I love it.

amcke1991 chapter 6 . 7/7/2019
WOW! This fanfic is INSANELY GOOD! I hope you’re doing okay and hope you come back to it when the time is right. Such a huge cliff hanger!

I cannot wait to see Elena and Damon’s relationship/friendship unfold and if they will bridge the gab from besties/lovers to a relationship, I think they both really love each other but Damon is scared of being hurt again. But I worry that Elena thinks she’s not going to be enough if he continues to sleep with others besides her. But oh my gosh her mother is so horrible! That Mirander.

The way you write is so compelling. You can see the scene as clear as day in your head. Such fantastic writing! Now I’m off to read some of your other stories.

Have a great day and can’t wait to read when you come back
Guest chapter 6 . 4/11/2019
come back and finish it... pleaseeeee...
Guest chapter 6 . 3/16/2019
Over 900 reviews and only 6 chapters! This definitely deserves the love. hope you finish this amazing story because that cliff hanger was steep
Guestk3 chapter 6 . 3/14/2019
I do hope you come back to finish this fiction eventually like you did with 'Someone like you'. It would be awesome and I'm sure I'm not the only one. There's over 900 follows and reviewers that definitely would like to see this continue. I know its up to you, so I can only hope you get inspired again to finish your story.
SexySalvatore chapter 6 . 2/22/2019
OUCH! so much LOVE. And pain.. but I love this story!
delena1864 chapter 6 . 2/21/2019
oooh please update! Loving this story and Miranda is such as a beep.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/18/2018
hope you can update soon 3 I love this story! Really hope we can see how things play out
Guest chapter 3 . 5/7/2018
So the heartbreak that Damon can’t get over is that Katherine cheated on him !? I know it’s bad but..he cheated on her too !? Damon and Elena’s relationship are amazing, the smuts are awesome! I just can’t wait for Damon to give in to her and fall in love with her
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