Reviews for Last Mission
Fireminer chapter 9 . 10/16/2013
Not so sure what to talk about this story... It's kind of different to your usual style, but neverless a good one.
Ryumi lover chapter 9 . 8/31/2013
I love how you left it open. It could be seen as Ryu saving Luna and killing Ayane and Hayate. It could be Ayane 'winning' and then her and Hayate dying from something else. Luna dying and Ryu taking revenge. There are just so many possibilities.

Then you brought Yuki and Sereo in from new beginings (Which YOU NEED TO FINSISH!) and kept up the hinting at Yuki and Ayane being more, which i absolutely love!

The story wasn't dark with killing and blood, but the undercover work and deception was great, the other side of the ninja world was touched beautifuly. There wasn't so much that it was too long of a read and enough so that it was worth the wait and chapters.

The ending was also a bit, im not sure of the word but i paused and pulled my head back from my screen and went 'damn'. It was great. Life moves on and this story had it moving brilliantly. The aging was graceful and the story was wonderful

2 Lucky chapter 7 . 7/1/2013
Now, this is good. But, why'd you stop it? I want to read more! If Ayane truly will not allow Luna to live, I say Ryu should adopt her!
Impressed chapter 7 . 5/22/2013
I like Ryu in this story, true and true, and the soft spot for kasumi is cute

It's nice to see Hayate being a leader.

Ayane is clearly my favorite right now. she is brilliant and does her job and is no nonsense. Perfect. She's who she needs to be and not a bitch

Heres hoping some reviews will inspire you to update!
Impressed chapter 5 . 5/22/2013
This stroy is dark and not in a everybody is dyin kind of way but it's all deception and tactics. It's nice to stray from high school fictions and romance. Oh chapter after chapter of fighting

"Don't act surprised. This is not the Mugen Tenshin, I am well aware of every soul on my territory."

HAHAHAHA You go girl
Impressed chapter 4 . 5/22/2013
Okay, so i like Naruto and pictured Sakura here, imteresting
Impressed chapter 2 . 5/22/2013
Not cleanly enough?

My friend sent me this story telling me it was something cool, but you're wicked!
Rose43219 chapter 7 . 7/19/2012
Hahaha!I felt the same way when i watched that part XD
I was a HUGE fan of Ryu/Kasumi but after he slapped her,infront of IRENE,the fangirl inside me died :'(
Anyways,i've got a pairing,another guy with Kasumi.
If u are interested,i will tell u the guy in PM.I won't here cause it is abit embarrassing :P
Anyways,send me a PM if u are interested :)
anonn chapter 7 . 7/18/2012
That kid. "Ding are all neishin are good for" yeah, her. Wow. And hayate is kicking ass!

I don't want you to kill Luna, bti see where ayane is coming from. :(
anonn chapter 5 . 7/18/2012
Ayane stole the chapter. She's so confident I love it! "Don't be surprised, this is not te mugen tenshin" line had me going "ooohhhh" for a good 30 seconds.
Zurcior chapter 6 . 6/22/2012
Save Luna! It just doesn't seem prudent to execute unknowing accomplishes.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/22/2012
Hm, I think Luna should live. Cuz she didn't know she was being tricked. Oh and later, can u please update first love! Please :)
NA chapter 6 . 6/22/2012
i love the way you describe ayane in this cuz shes like my favorite character. with luna i think you should keep her she seems so innoccent and i love her. cant wait for the next chapter!
DragonNinja23 chapter 5 . 6/13/2012
I don't really know how to put this, but, I'm addicting to your stories like Rick james and crack, or Snoop Dogg and his love for Kush. To put it in retrospect. I am cursing myself right now, because I have been reading your fics since I sat down on the computer an hour ago. Really remarkable work.
ADarkShinobi chapter 5 . 6/12/2012
Oh God.

First off I'm glad Kasumi did discover something but Kenji should have told Ryu! Tension between them is going to grow.

But oww! I imagined them beating up this little girl and my heart bleeds, she wasn't really a bad guy!

I loved the super bossy and ultra cool Ayane btw!

Grr. I just found this story and blazed through it, now i have to wait for an update.
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