Reviews for Get Rid of It
Guest chapter 15 . 8/19/2016
This was so freaking tragic, yet realistically, during this era he would have had to find a wife, despite his feelings. Love is beautiful and painful
Guest chapter 15 . 3/28/2016
i still have one question, after reading this beautiful fic twenty thousand times, and crying thrice as much
what happened to leonardo after that
just plis humour mekdksklmsbsjjj
is he oKAY WHY COULDNT THEy be together why does this break my heart
u write so well and the story is so good and even the way u transition from conversation to frick frack time is fantastic
what happened to leo and ezio
did they not meet again h e lp
anyhoo his was wonderful ur gr8 bye
- a reader who has never posted a comment until this momentous occasion
Liva Wilborg chapter 8 . 1/13/2015
I forgot to mention this in my previous review of the story as a whole:
Good grief, I was laughing so much on the inside at Leonardo's reaction after Lucrezia leaves the garden. It was completely in character and totally brilliant. :D The description of Lucrezia was really nifty too. Yay! Well done!
Liva Wilborg chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
Aw, man, this was DAMNED AWESOME! I loved the whole story!

I loved how I could see the workings of your “author-mind” as a one-shot suddenly blossomed into twists and turns and a whole story. It was emotionally gripping and quite frankly …painful at times. I mean, good painful. Great painful! D Where the tension was true and I could feel the heartache!

You paint the surroundings the characters move through incredibly subtly but with full flavour, I was really impressed at how smoothly this was done. For some reason, especially the scenes that take place in the uncle’s house near the ending are firmly etched into my inner view-screen. I could even hear the floor boards creaking and the characters’ voiced were clear and crisp.

And I completely adore the epilogue! It was so gorgeously fitting.

Thank you for writing this and sharing it. I know firsthand how harrowing it can be to deliver a manuscript as intricate as this. Great work!

Keep writing! D
PyqaFanGirl chapter 2 . 9/5/2014
the 'I love you' part touched me delicate heart.
PlayFULMadness chapter 15 . 2/11/2014
Omg, it was so good. At the last part, I got all teary eyed. I think more sex next time, though. And just a bit more beatings. Great!:-D:-D:-D
estelle0 chapter 15 . 1/30/2014
Before to start this, I would like to apologize for my bad english, I'm frend and I can read english but I'm not really god at writing (this is really logical, I know). Sorry if you can't understand what I mean!

God, this fiction was just... Perfect. It makes me cry (yup, I'm crying for anything), laugh... The feelings of the characters were so well done (yeah, this sentence is horrible, but I've no idea about how I can make it better) and expressed with so much precision and respect... It seemed all true. And the smalls italian words maked me smiling, because it's really important (to my mind) to use things like that in a AC fiction.
You've got soooooo much talent, and I'm so grateful to you for writing this and sharing this with us! Thank you so much!

And the real hero of this story is the cow, oh lovely Madeline, you were the brightest star in a nebulous sky and we'll never forget ya... Wait, did I really say...that? So, thank you again, hope you've understand a thing to all that thing!
Ciao ciao!
Kiango chapter 3 . 10/20/2013
I'm sure someone pointed this out to you already, so;;;; but i'm compelled to do so anyway. History is real important to me so i stopped reading like the first part into the chapter to come down here and write this lmao so if you amend it later in the chapter, please disregard.
Ezio and the Medici family were allies.
Like, not even vague allies where they were never mentioned; you literally save Lorenzo Medici's life in AC2. You prevent the fall of his house. You protect him and guard him and following that he's the one sending you most of the missions you get at bird houses. He is sympathetic to your... cause... You didn't kill the head of the house. His heir died, but that was by Francesco de' Pazzi's hand, if I am not mistaken.

Perhaps that is the family you meant to refer to? The Pazzi? Because Ezio DID kill his asshole sun and his father and later Francesco himself.

ok yeah w/e m8 have a nice day thanks for reading
A l l a s t o r chapter 15 . 5/14/2013
Fuck the haters, this was good. 3
Tueur 'a gages jaune chapter 1 . 5/10/2013
Only one chapter in and there's already smut. Classy.

From the Rules & Guidelines:

"Please note FanFiction does not accept explicit content, Fiction Rating: MA, and the rating is only presented for reference."

Reported for having MA sexual content.

Tueur à gages jaune
Tueur 'a gages jaune chapter 15 . 5/10/2013
Based on the author's note you gave at the beginning chapters along with your profile, you want criticism.

Well, far be it from me to deny you!

The foremost issue I have with each chapter-really your story as a whole is this: Canon.


I don't give two shits if you find Ezio and Leanardo fuckable and thus paired them together to gratify your lustful desires, you sick fuck. I don't give two shits that this is labeled "fanfiction." Because this is FANFICTION, you as an author have creative license to write stories that could PLAUSIBLY happen if it were canon.

Is Ezio gay/bisexual? Fuck no! For three games, he has been portrayed as a STRAIGHT man-whore then settling down with Sofia. Is Ezio fuckbuddies with Leonardo? Fuck no! Is Ezio friends with Leonardo? Fuck yes!

Does Ezio belong to you? Fuck no he does not, so you have no legal right to portray him as anything but straight. Leonardo, I can understand since he was portrayed as a faggot in the games. But ultimately, writing a story with Ezio and Leonardo being lovers is not canonically plausible. Period.

The second issue I have is the smut. Again, I don't give two shits if it's "fanfiction." This site has RULES, which YOU had to agree to in order to post this porn with plot.

Now I found that you actually have decent writing abilities. Why the fuck are you wasting it on PORN, the most debased and least requirement of talent form of writing? If you really need to feed your arousal and high urges, go watch porn in private like most horny cunts!

And if you don't like Ezio's true character and the fact MA content is not allowed nor people rightfully telling you so, take your own advice and "don't read it."

Or preferably, get your shit and yourself the fuck off this site and move to where smut's allowed.

Tueur à gages jaune
LolDerpYa chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
When I read the summary and saw "pet" I expected a hyper dog or noisy bird or something, but a COW!? xD GENIO, my friend, GENIO!

Also this reminds me of Zelda: OoT when you get a cow as reward for beating a race. Lol
Kelly2013 chapter 14 . 4/27/2013
I think Ezio would of died of syphillis by now if he was homosexual. Just saying.
Kelly2013 chapter 11 . 4/27/2013
That's a lot of sex. You might consider taking some out, because too much shouldn't be here. I don't want this to be a flame, but please consider my suggestion.
Only Angelika chapter 15 . 4/25/2013
Thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful fic! The epilogue made me cry like a baby (even tho is pretty much "Embers", but hey, i cried watching that movie lol) But the "i forgive you" words... omg, the ending couldn't be more perfect than this one!

I keep saying it: i'm your number 1 fan!
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