Reviews for You Novice!
person chapter 37 . 7/16/2013
i hope you update soon,and cool fanfiction i really love it .
DanAlaya chapter 37 . 12/23/2012
oh no. now Tibar is out for revenge. Things just keep snowballing dont they.
Good to see you back. Looking forward to the next chapter
Bye bye account chapter 36 . 11/19/2012
This story is so...frekin AMAZING! I like it a lot much better then other ones I read of female assassins! Red actually has good flwas and she is no Mary made this a good story! Ah one female that actually isn't like one of the best assassins out there. And one last thing O_O wow she faints or blacks out hehe anyway great work. I applaude you in this work :)
Stargliderxp13 chapter 36 . 11/18/2012
thank you for writing another chapter! I adore this story so much! Can't wait for more!
DanAlaya chapter 35 . 11/5/2012
Oh, this is a bit of a sad chapter. Really sad.
Stargliderxp13 chapter 34 . 11/4/2012
Please keep writing! I absolutely adore this story and your a very good writer!
Izzie chapter 34 . 11/2/2012
DanAlaya chapter 34 . 11/1/2012
oh my! You killed Rahman. Did not see that coming. yeah, he was an annoying brat, but, wow. Poor kid.

And what a cliffy to leave us on! Dont keep us so long, pretty pretty please.
DanAlaya chapter 33 . 9/24/2012
wow, good chapter. I like the little amnesia touch, sort of. She is still gonna be devastated when she remembers/is told though.

Looking forward to the next chapter
SIFP chapter 33 . 9/22/2012
Im not logged love the non Mary sue of a character.
T. R. Blessing chapter 33 . 9/22/2012
Oh boy. She is in sooo much trouble. Hurry Malik!
nomorestoriesgoaway chapter 32 . 9/2/2012
Haven't reviewed in a while... Anyways, I really like this story. It's not one of those mushy gushy love stories where a Mary Sue instantly becomes an assassin and has a guy chasing after her **coughcoughmalikcoughcoughalt ycoughcoughcough**. AND she isn't extremely talented.
Also, great chap. A bit sad.
DanAlaya chapter 31 . 9/2/2012
oh. That was a bit of a sad episode. I mean, Asif wasn't like a main character or anything, but Red. Well, she has taken it very very hard hasnt she. Poor girl.
DanAlaya chapter 28 . 7/29/2012
He kicked the horse! I know nothing about the child, but I already do not like him. Thats some good writing. Well done. I also liked the time jump. I think that will aid a successful story progression. And we get to see Malik again! YAY.
RaineCaelum chapter 27 . 7/28/2012
I think I should stop being a ghost reader...So I'll stop being one.

I'm really interested in this story. I find it unique in its own way. I'll be looking forward for the chapters to come.
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