Reviews for Can Heart Do That Too?
mornnenn chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
Oh, that was so sad and tragic and horrific. But it made complete sense to me. I could understand why Elros would want to do such horrors, or at least think that he wanted to do such things. After experiencing so much pain and dread without warning at the hands of these people, it seemed very fitting.

Elrond was almost exactly how I would imagine him, quiet, gentle, loving. Taking care of his brother despite all that he has gone through as well. Asking to follow him. He was a very heartbreaking boy. "Brother, please." That made me want to cry.

Elros seems very much like the founder of Numenor with his head-strong ways, anger, and vengeance. He also sounds too scarred to be able to live much longer, which might be why he chose mortality.

And the hand-railing. That was a beautiful touch. Completely, strangely beautiful. I don't even know why.

On a side-note, I am curious as to what Rey-verse is.