Reviews for Taking a Risk
darklover chapter 1 . 12/25/2016
I really enjoyed this fic. Thank you for writing it!
Miss Marvel Nerd chapter 1 . 12/5/2013
That's so cute! I loved this! So going on my favorite list! .
finalfantasydreams chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
awesome story. very believable and cute
AmuxIkutolover chapter 1 . 6/30/2013
Wow... What a kiss! I love that they FINALLY realized their feelings for each other and admitted it! I was sort of surprised at how many break ups they'd had because of each other. At least other people realized that they liked each other! So, yay for them getting together! I would leave a longer review, but I can't think of much else to say other than that I loved it! It's also going to my favorites list! (I always put this... AMUTO FOREVER! :) )
videogamenerd101 chapter 1 . 6/3/2013
[The night time glow of Tokyo reflected back off the clouds that wear covering the Odaiba area in a light dusting of pure white snowflakes.] "nighttime" is one word and "wear" should be "were".

[However, one person that was not looking for somewhere warm to go to was a fifteen year old boy who was making his way through the park.] "that" should be "who" and there should be hyphens in "fifteen-year-old".

[Takeru Takaishi, or TK to his family and friends, strolled down the snow covered path in the park with his sapphire blue eyes fixed on the ground.] "snow-covered" should be hyphenated.

[It hugged the curves of her body, showing off her breasts, which were quite large for her age, her flat stomach and the curves of her hips.] Because there's internal punctuation, separate the items with semicolons instead, like this: "…of her body, showing off her breasts, which were quite large for her age; her flat stomach; and the…"

[Her tight fitting light blue stone washed jeans showcased her long legs.] There should be hyphens in "tight-fitting" and "stone-washed".

[The only way he thought that she could look better is if she was in her bikini or wearing no clothes at all.] Verb confusion; "is" should be "was".

[That's what made the break up with Tomoyo all the more harder.] "breakup" is one word.

[He thought they were so beautiful and that they matched her shoulder length chocolate brown hair perfectly.] There should be a hyphen in "shoulder-length".

["Yeah," Kari frowned as she nodded.] Frowning can't let out any words; either use a different verb or replace the comma at the end of the dialogue with a period.

[It wasn't the fact that they were holding hands which was the problem, as they had held hands several times before, it was the nearly kiss that was causing the unease between them.] The last comma is a comma splice, which is when you connect two independent clauses with a comma. Replace the comma with either a semicolon or a period.

[Time felt as if it was flying by and soon they were on the road that led to Kari's home.] "was" should be "were".

[They walked alongside the familiar sandstone wall and turn to head into the apartment building.] "turn" should be "turned".

[The phone eventually stopped ring but it was only a few seconds before Kari's ringtone started over again.] "ring" should be "ringing".

This was really cute! I did find it somewhat cliched, though, but that's okay. My main concern was that I found this a bit rushed. I would've liked to see more description about TK's emotions, because you didn't really go that in depth with them. But this is your fic, so you can do whatever you want with it. :)

But this was just adorable. I love how Kari and TK are such good friends. Or were good friends, I suppose. I absolutely loved their little kissing session. So cute. xD Anyways, nice one-shot! It was definitely a good read. :)
Hamm-Ram chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
very nice. personally, I would have upped the rating, and had them take it further
Yaken chapter 1 . 9/18/2012
this fic its so wonderful, i love the way that the complement each other; you're a good writer congratulations
EnigmaMemory chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
Clichéd? Perhaps. But at least it's simple, and it gets the point across. Not to mention that it was pretty cute. Reading things like yours just reminds me how far I am from being any good at this. Keep it up, and I look forward to your other works.
ThatAwesomePenguin chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
I like the more mature tone in this ;) it's great to vary your writing, and you seem to be doing so very well.

Love it :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
quillquate chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
mysuperlexy43vr chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
That was really amazing! It's cute and I love it! :D
Kal-El Fornia chapter 1 . 4/8/2012
TK getting slapped in the face? haha awesome.

Anyways buddy here I am reading your stories like I usually do, something that I don't see ending any time in the near future, and as always I didn't regret it.

Was it filled with cliches? You can be sure as shit that it was, but you even acknowledged it so I'm not hating on that fact. To be honest, cliches are cliches in the first place because people enjoy them to the point of over saturation.

I can't think of a better more manly word to use, but yeah this story had it's sugary moments to it. Quite saccharine in fact.

Your comrade, Leon
KHLostEmpress chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
So cute! I don't care how cliche it is, I could just read these two forever!
Atrum Ferox chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
pretty good fic of takari. is this the prequel to "warming up from the cold?" neways, i love how tk decided to just take a chance with kari even if they are best friends because it just proves that they truly are meant together & if their gf's/bf's want them seperated then it just means they're meant for each other. with me i strongly like takari FAR MORE than daikari (in fact, i hate this paring; can't ever see nor do i want to understand this paring in other fics). the only other paring i like with kari would be with ash from pokemon (read pete the rock fics).
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