Reviews for Operation: Bag Damon
stategirl43 chapter 26 . 7/19
I know it's been a while, but I hope you will continue with this story. I love it! It's one of my favorites! I love how you included everyone. It's great
Guest chapter 26 . 5/14
Hey you, yes you. I know this updated in 2025 but I need another chapter a sequel something please. Like you already had me hooked by like the 2cs chapter so it's your fault. Please update we all basically grounded with this virus like just one more chapter pleaseeeeeeeee.

Sincerely a crazy Bamon fan who loves your fanfictions
Guest chapter 17 . 5/13
This is a weird review but thanks for putting "home skillet biscuit " as a line because I would constantly say that and my friends would look at me like wtf Ave say that's not a thing so I just screenshoted that breakfast scene like really they haven't said crap to me since
Guest chapter 14 . 5/13
Why whyyyyyyyyy whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I love the story btw
Omg fu Damon Fu
I can'tttttt
I really love Bamon au's
I wanna lick Damon's ass
Klonnie's chapter 1 . 4/16
Soooo, I looooove It. I know is a Bamon fic but I had a thing for Klonnie scenes. That chapter with Elijah and Bonnie on the counter nearly gave me a heart attack. So, Klonnie is my ship top 1 and I would love if you write a Klonnie fic.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/28
Sis how did I now just find this story? It’s so dope but Bonnie my baby is really naive but it’s no surprise because she’s young. Neve wait around for a man to choose you especially while messing around and entertaining another woman, I don’t mess with Emily but she was right Damon totally played her. He basically took a break from Bonnie and hooked up with Emily again. He tries to act like he’s a man but Damon is extremely insecure and narcissistic. How does he make the girl that defends herself when he does her wrong (Bonnie when he decided to start sleeping with Emily again) and (Emily when she checked him for being in Bonnies face when he just got of bed with her). Boys like Damon are toxic within themselves and destroy anyone that comes in his path because the issue is simply himself. It’s disgusting how he decides that he wants Bonnie to be his gf when she’s talking to another man and one who’s a better surfer than him at that. This story is dope and intriguing because it’s fun to analyze the characters and their motives and at this point I’m convinced that Damon does care about anyone but Damon, and Bonnie and Emily are nothing but simply collateral damage. Whoever gets away is the real winner period. You can’t be egotistical and love a person at the same time. I think mason would’ve been a healthier option for our girl but what’s a story without angst?️
Guest chapter 26 . 9/15/2019
Wait. I'm confused. Did Bonnie lose her virginity?
jdubbs chapter 26 . 5/30/2018
update soon!
jdubbs chapter 26 . 12/8/2017
update soon please!
xbmo chapter 26 . 6/22/2017
Such a great fic! Please consider finishing it!
Guest chapter 26 . 3/26/2017
I miss this story :( ah, I hope you're okay! I also hope you'll update... soon? eventually? yes, no, maybe so?
BrownEyes chapter 26 . 3/22/2017
Don't leave it there...Please update T.T
jdubbs chapter 26 . 1/22/2017
update soon please
Guest chapter 1 . 3/13/2016
Lol I love this story already. Damon thinking bonnie too young but I'm sure he's fronting. He know he wants that.
guest chapter 2 . 2/6/2016
Love this fic
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