Reviews for Queen Bees and Sweat Jocks: A Love Square?
Shugo Chara Jazz-chan chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
I am begging you to please update!
MusicJustBeLikeThat chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
KikoTsukinamura chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
Marf. :( I want another chapter for this. I like it. A rivalry between those two suits the summary quite well, Aki-San. I hope you can try to continue it. For a fan? *tilts head with one eye open pleadingly, with hands clasped together*
GirlOfTheForestGreen chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
Sounds good!
AlyssaHart chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
It's great so far! Please continue 3
Lover of chocolates chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
Please update this I love it! :)
Must Be Nice chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
Hm... Amu's pretty OOC... But, I like it. I'm thinking that... maybe Rima is the 2nd queen? But, who knows? (Well, you do actually )

Rima and Amu hating each other? That's quite different, so maybe Utau...?

Anyways, I await your next chapter.
Hazey Rine chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
From the title and summary, I'm gonna have to say that this love square will be about Amu (who loves) Kukai (who is heartbroken from Utau) then I don't know how but Rima comes in (who loves Nagi) and Nagihiko actually likes Amu.

And when you say Queen, from your summary it has to be Rima, and when you say Sweaty Jocks then it must be Nagi.

My conclusion to whoever the west characters are

Amu and Kukai have history but what did Nade mean by 'Utau's fault'. Did she dare him to do something?

By all means, continue

And if I'm wrong, well, I'll live with it XP
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
Hey! I LOVE how this starts and I can't wait to read more!

Please write, upload more and...

...Much LOVE to you all,
