Reviews for Illuminate the Darkest Nights
Not nameless chapter 4 . 4/11/2012
Feeling really bad for Sebastian right now. .-. Never has it been this bad before. You just manage to put his feelings out perfectly at the right times, and then walks are put up so fast it's like that never happened. I like it.

Hope to see more.
yaoi gravi girl chapter 4 . 4/11/2012

I just read on and I like it as always!

sebastian can say whatever he wants, he's trying to interfere in the life of a turn kurt price and it is certain that he finds it very interesting!

he makes fun of his life fade, but rather his person and what fascinates him is too funny to see him interfere!

Kurt was when he wants instead to have nothing to do with him, however, it is curious and we quickly realize that it can be a little too interested person who has a little to do souffrire!

kurt is fortunately far from stupid, he is very nice and naive, but not the type to fall into any trap!

This is certainly because of his father which made it clear that it was too important, and should be very careful about his person, but thanks to moin ca, if he should fall in love with Sebastian, it does will not cause a false words, but because he has proved anything!

In any case I can not wait to read more!

I do not allow enough review, but I read all the time AC is on so thank you!

Kisses and good luck!

manga fan

Cat488 chapter 3 . 4/9/2012
Very interesting story! Can't wait to read more! Update soon (:
XxBlackShadowMagicxX chapter 3 . 4/5/2012
Are you SURE Blaine won't cheat? :/
Carbon65 chapter 3 . 4/4/2012
(1) I am a smart person and have put both (a) 85% ethanol and (b) Diesel in my precious car. Of course, my car is NOT named after a woman.

(2) Is Vera a reference to Jayne's gun?

(3) I think the britishisms are adorable.

(4) Sebastian is kind of a creeper.
XxBlackShadowMagicxX chapter 2 . 4/3/2012
I love your Sebastian. His defenses are strong but seeing the cause of them is heartbreaking. More soon?
yaoi gravi girl chapter 2 . 4/1/2012

so I read the first two chapters, and for now I rather like!

there is romance writing, so I am anxious to see how it will evolve, so that there is a romance between Kurt and sebastian!

I love kurt is my favorite character with burt and rachel, so as is is quite faithful, I love it too!

I hate sebastian and is very loyal, so I also hate the XD

but as you describe us a little past his life, finding him without doubt the "apology" for his behavior, I'm sure I'll end up loving!

of aillor seen as we go, I wonder if it's Sebastian who will fall in love first? !

and if so how will it conquérire the heart of kurt? !

it is certain that Kurt is very nice and he forgives everyone, but it surely does not fall so quickly for Sebastian, and he surely does not fall in love the first!

and I do not see him going to declare the first ... not so how Sebastian will do all this?

it is by reading the following that I will discover so ...

thank you for this fic, good luck and see you soon!


manga fan

BrokenCheshireCat chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
Great start, can't wait to see what happens next 3