Reviews for Truce
deletedacc123413252 chapter 1 . 8/1/2017
im crying this was so good
HiddenToBeFound chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
I know right! When I finished reading OSOT I was all like WHAT? When Bex and Zach were all buddy-buddy I really didn't like Bex much. And that he spent his summe with her. Like if it were Zach and Macey (or Liz) it'd be a bit better because Macey's cool. Macey also isn't Cammie's best friend. So I guess that's what irked me the most. Bex was best friend's with Cammie and Zach? That's not cool. And Bex and Zach were so close. Like physically. I was so...just bleh. Who could ship Bex and Zach I mean that's really...
Anyways, sorry for my fangirl moment right there c;
Loved it! (I know, all that fangirl and just two words? XD)
bookwurm247 chapter 1 . 6/25/2013
even though i read the book about 3 or 4 months ago, i felt like you captured the mood of their friendship perfectly.

PS don't worry, you're not the only one who wanted to throw the book at the wall. ;)
Graphite Eyes chapter 1 . 10/11/2012
Oh. My. Goodness. THIS IS AMAZING!
I love how you so brilliantly captured Zach and Bex's friendship. It was so sweet and had those moments of just... Bexiness. haha(:
00countrygrlbex chapter 2 . 8/11/2012
I love this book SO much! its my favorite fanfiction! you are a great writer, its like reading Ally Carter wite! Keep writing because you rock! AND PLEASE WRITE MORE! (puppy dog eyes!) :):):):):):):):):):):)
00countrygrlbex chapter 1 . 7/30/2012
I like this story! I had trouble with the Bex/Zach thingtwo and so did my BFF. She is just like cam and I am jus like Bex and our other friend is jus like Liz. :) haha
But this was a great story! I really liked it.
SmurfZXC714 chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
Aww that was really good :) it could have come straight out of th book
Guest chapter 2 . 7/7/2012
Hey! I love this. I've never read anything from bex's POV which is so good! I think you should do some more :) keep up the good work.
Izzy chapter 2 . 4/26/2012
I understand what you mean with the whole Bex and Zach thing... I seriously felt like throwing the book out the window, screaming at it then letting my dog eat it... but I was reading it on my kindle so that would not have been very good for it... anyway I love the story, before the book Bex and Zach were my 2 favourite characters, but not many people write fanfics about them... well not about Bex anyway... so anyway... please update :D
Code.Chameleon chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
I think we all got a bit freaked with the Bex/Zach think but this was nice.
pinkgallaghergirl619 chapter 2 . 3/31/2012
In the beginning when reading the Bex and Zach part, I was all squirmish, and every time I came across a part where it EVEN MENTIONS ANYTHING ABOUT THAT, I would stop reading for like five minutes, then force myself to read past it. NO OFFENCE ALLY, but that was the worst part of her writing, ever. Cuz I'm a totally Zammie follower!
emmettluvrXD chapter 2 . 3/31/2012
This was really good:) It would be awesome if you did a story about Bex and Zachs reaction to Cammie being found! You are a fantastic author(:
The Goddes chapter 2 . 3/31/2012
Omg you write so freaking good that I actually started crying! It was crazy. My mom walked in and goes, "Are you okay? What happened?" And I'm like, "Nothing this girl's story just made me cry." True story :)
WaitingForPrinceCharming chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
Finally! Someone who understands the frustration I felt when reading the whole ZachBex thing!

I was at my friend's house and was reading her copy of the book (because I didn't have mine at the time) and when I came across that point in the book, I threatened to throw her book out of the window.

She promptly took OSOT away from me. :)

Anyways, great chapter!
XxNeonShadowsxX chapter 2 . 3/31/2012
The Gallagher Girls's catchy. Teehee, I'm still sugar-high...What? Oh, yeah, I'm supposed to be reviewing, sorry about that. As for suggestions, I have a ton of ideas but, like I said, I'm going to get around to doing some myself. Though I think one about Bex's reaction to him running away, and what she says/does when he comes back would be a cool one.

-Aiden Rose
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