Reviews for Pixels in the Night
kaekaed chapter 13 . 11/5/2017
well dang. I wanted more. it was going so well
editor frog chapter 13 . 10/5/2017
This is really very entertaining. Well done!

Any chance of a conclusion?
Guest chapter 13 . 5/20/2017
It is absolutely tragic that you never finished this story, it is one of the best on the site. I'd write keep up the good work, but it appears I'll have to settle for an unfortunate lack if conclusion, and just when it was getting good too! Hope you're still writing, and succeeding on new stories as well as you triumphed here.
Kelana-ti chapter 13 . 1/25/2016
This story is so awesome but it hasn't been updated for years! D:
Writing is close to flawless, and I love how you make cyberspace seem like a real place. Great insight into the characters thoughts too, and the dialogue is awesome.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/30/2015
Remarkably well done!
Guest chapter 13 . 9/8/2015
I truly wish you'd update this.
SummerElainee chapter 1 . 4/23/2015
Oh my god please tell me this will get updated eventually? I enjoy this story immensely (mostly how Harold seems to be 8 bajillion people and owns half the world) and can't wait to see how Penelope becomes a part of their small duo, because I have no doubt that she'll finally piece everything together. Great Job!
Moi chapter 13 . 2/23/2015
This is one of the most engaging and brilliantly written stories I have come across so far. And believe me, I've been reading loads, albeit not that many in the Criminal Minds and Person of Interest section(s). It has suspense in spades, is funny, well thought out and not just gets the characters spot on, but makes them, their interactions and dialogues come to life extremely well!
Please continue this story!
One of the funniest bits you just came back to: the neutered male beagle named Reese parts and Reese's reaction to it when he first spoke to Garcia referring to him and his furry little face! It's what makes PoI so . . . I don't know . . . sweet, the fine sense of humor you can find there, all of Reese's different smiles included. This kind of humor really is a rare thing on TV and you managed to capture that beautifully. And that's not even getting to the CM elements of the story!
The maneuvering both Finch and Garcia are doing in detail is something we don't get to see this explicitly on the telly. However, in written form it has a fascination all of its own, outlining both their characters and their past and present so very in depth.
Amazing. Truly amazing, there is no other word for!
IceWing chapter 13 . 1/29/2015

Good story... and yet, I want more...
idadri chapter 13 . 10/5/2014
it was very pleasant.
i love it!
addicted2text chapter 13 . 8/30/2014
I sincerely hope that as it has been some time since March that your move has gone smoothly and there will be updates to this fic forthcoming. While not my usual fare I have enjoyed seeing a different side to Harold_$BIRDNAME_OR_ANALOG than we usually see in the show. Granted this fic discounts his lover the artist, but that relationship was more or less shuttered anyway.

Garcia was always the character I enjoyed best on Criminal Minds when I watched, but I quit after the show kept getting more and more outlandish. It was just harder and harder to swallow some of the more senseless murder-porn scenarios that made no sense whatsoever and the writers didn't even try to shine a light on motivations or framework-just relying in "well they're insane" to explain away story lines. The trouble with fiction is in having to show your work; real life can be as strange as it has to be but fiction has to make sense. The writers weren't (IMHO) even trying to do so.

Still it was nice seeing the good side of the show again through your fic. I hope to see more of that in the future, so I'm adding you to my C2 group.
Silvermoon of Forestclan chapter 13 . 7/14/2014
I like it!
Do you think you'll ever finish?
megcaruthers chapter 13 . 4/5/2014
Love the story so far. When are you going to finish it? Can't wait. I don't know how you keep all these people so in character, but you've done an amazing job.
Colgate Cavity Protection chapter 13 . 3/11/2014
Ahryielle chapter 13 . 2/12/2014
nooooooooooo evil! evil! you horrible cliffhanging writer who abandoned their story
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