Reviews for Yu-Gi-Oh GM Book 1: The Rise of El Loco Desperado
Kender20 chapter 122 . 9/1/2019
Oh no! David's getting worse! Jim certainly is getting his time in the spotlight, and he seems to be doing well so far. And what's this? Snake men... Is it just me or is there a yuan ti in the mix? At least Jim and his buddies are kicking their butt, in either case! Keep it up, Master Rainwalker!
Kender20 chapter 121 . 6/25/2019
Sheila Mathers... looks like we actually got our first recurring villain in this story! And now she's the leader of an Orichalcos Cult, it seems. Too bad David's out of commission for a little bit. Will Jim be able to handle the supernatural threat in his place? And how will they keep David alive long enough to break the curse on him? Keep it up Master Rainwalker!
Kender20 chapter 120 . 6/13/2019
Yep, looks like it's official: Orichalcos is back! And what's even worse... whoa, that's one heck of a curse that David's in! Let's hope that the Voodoo priestesses find a way to help him break the curse before it's too late! Keep it up, Master Rainwalker!
Kender20 chapter 119 . 5/12/2019
Yet another intense duel well written, Master Rainwalker! But what's this? The Seal of Orichalcos reactivated?! By who, indeed! Hopefully David's army friends would be able to help him out. Keep it up either way! I'll be looking forward for that next chapter, like always!
Kender20 chapter 118 . 8/28/2018
What a traitor Miss Santiago is! But at least she and the other bad guys got their just desserts! And now, thanks to David, the girls of the sorority have all been rescued! But it sure is clear the story is far from over. Keep it up, Master Rainwalker! Keep it up!
Kender20 chapter 117 . 8/17/2018
AGH, another cliffhanger! Hopefull the information that David got from one of his contacts would help him overcome this obstacle. Geez, that vampire really is sicker than sick! And there was a ambush?! Whoo-boy! What is Maria's secret anyway? Keep it up Master Rainwalker! I'll be looking forward to the next chapter!
Kender20 chapter 116 . 7/25/2018
Hello again Master Rainwalker! Long time no see! I presume things are very busy from where you are. I kinda got worried for a minute when I couldn't contact you. Anyway, on to the review.

Wow, vampires in a dance club. And just when I thought that was intense, I find out that David's client, Maria Santiago, wasn't really one of the good guys at all! Good thing our hero managed to find out about that one. What kind of trick does David have up his sleeve to rescue the missing girls? And who is the person Maria's working for? Keep it up Master! The suspense is killing me!
Kender20 chapter 115 . 10/12/2017
Long time no see! And an excellent duel, as always! Ah, so we got ourselves a Mexican kidnapping scheme going about this time around. When I learned the motive for all this... dang, that head baddie gives you the heebee jeebees. Who indeed is that Julio Salazar character? And will David be able to find and rescue the other missing girls in time? Keep it up, my friend!
Kender20 chapter 114 . 3/12/2017
So it was Gozaburo and the Big 5 up to their old tricks again! At least this time they're getting their just desserts, thank to David and company. And it was very touching and heartfelt, how Noa Kaiba looked upon David as a father. I just wanna give David a comforting hug after seeing how sad he was about losing Noa. Keep it up Master Rainwalker! Oh, and I've posted yet another chapter in one of my stories! Check it out when you have free time!
The Man with Imagination chapter 114 . 3/9/2017
Well, whatever Gozaburo gets is too good for him. He deserves something beyond death. ERADICATION! But, amazing chapter, which took me almost all day to read. (falls asleep)
Guest chapter 24 . 11/10/2016
Dude your a awesome fanfic writer
bigmike589 chapter 27 . 11/11/2016
Your a awesome author
Kender20 chapter 113 . 11/10/2016
Another action-packed chapter well written my friend! Another Bad guy gets his butt kicked by David, and he manages to free more players from the game-turned prison! And awww, David is so sweet even when he found out about Noah Kaiba. Let' hope he'll be able to help him out. Keep it up Master Rainwalker! Oh! And I've just posted the newest chapter of "The Black Materia" Check it out when you have free time!
Kender20 chapter 112 . 10/24/2016
Ah, so it IS that Noah! Wonder how David's going to react to that? Boy, he really kicked the Judge Man's butt, though. Exciting battle! And back in the real world, the pieces are starting to come together. Huh? What's this? Sam Bradley comes from a family of magicians? I wonder what kind of magician... Keep it up Master Rainwalker! I look forward to seeing what happens next!
Kender20 chapter 111 . 10/10/2016
Ah, so David had made an encounter with Noah Kaiba, huh? Even rescued him from that Penguin Boss, no less! And the team of Squadron 51 has just about started to figure it out! But will David? And when it comes to that corrupt Judge man, how will he and his team going to beat him? Keep it up Master Rainwalker!
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