Reviews for To See Him Smile
littlemary2 chapter 5 . 12/31/2015
I love the story so far.
R0ckerbaby chapter 6 . 11/2/2013
I agree! Would love to see where this story is going, please update!
Jade chapter 6 . 11/2/2013
Please update this! I really want to know where this story is going! I love the plot and absolutely love the characterization! Please continue this!
slyvir chapter 6 . 6/19/2013
you missed out that it could be dangerous, so I am unsure how here I am,
but I believe, so I guess that could be reason enough, the fight is only at the beginning, the game is still on, so I really hope to keep playing, because even is sentiments are not his area of expertise being a genius means untangle the puzzle and keep going,
so I just gess I should keep close tabs on you and the development of this case, better upgrade the survelliance status, grade 3: active.
TheTruthInYourEyes chapter 6 . 1/5/2013
fav! following!
if convenient continue soon please; if inconvenient ... well ... ;)))
TheTruthInYourEyes chapter 5 . 1/5/2013
god! the last part of this chapter where John sees the graffiti sprayed on the wall almost brought me to tears! :')) it really hit me ... so beautiful!
Harp5 chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
Really good your voices are exceptional. Keep it up!
Guest chapter 6 . 12/11/2012
Really abrupt ending.
RaychDZeros chapter 6 . 11/15/2012
A-Z-animal-freak chapter 5 . 10/31/2012
Brilliant :)
notuptoparbut chapter 3 . 10/30/2012
Here's my deduction of the fall:

Sherlock has a supporting cast of Molly and the Irregulars.

While on the roof he says goodbye to John, then throws away his phone before he 'jumps' causing John to change his view from the roof to where he's running (in a vain hope to catch/stop Sherlock).

Sherlock shoves Moriarty's still limp form into his coat (thank goodness riggermortis doesn't kick in immediately), puts his scarf around his neck, bloodies his face, and shoves him off of the roof in his stead, making sure he's face down (to inflict most damage on recognizable features).

Enter support staff: On the ground, Sherlock is relying on shock and tears to obscure John's sight. He's also relying on his irregulars to quickly get John away from the body and the body away from the scene. He's helped out by the fact that John is knocked to the ground and hits his head. I'm not certain this was an irregular helping out, or coincidence (there's not such thing as coincidence...).

Once the body is taken away and pronounced dead (helped out by John not finding a pulse on the corpse) Molly demands to do the autopsy. There she forges the paperwork and let's Sherlock play dead.

Evidence supporting my theory: 1. The group of people who rushed the body into the hospital were milling about right where the jumping was to occur. 2. The newspaper Mycroft was reading exclaimed "Suicide of Fake Genius." As you know, the only thing that sells newspapers more than a suicide of a public figure is the Double Suicide/Murder Suicide involving a public figure. This leads me to believe that Moriarty's body was never found on the roof.

How does Sherlock know this is going to occur? Well, A. He's Sherlock bloody Holmes. B. Why else would an evil mastermind ask his opponent (whom he's trying to discredit) to the roof of a building? Black mail suicide. It's what Sherlock would have done. Moriarty was going to die on that roof, one way or another. It just went against Sherlock's plans (probably at least 3 of them) that he shot himself. Bloody mess that is. If Sherlock couldn't figure out how to extract the call off information from Moriarty, there had to been a plan to bludgeon him into at least unconsciousness. (More realistic autopsy that way.)

How'd I do?
Cremains chapter 1 . 10/2/2012
This is a very beautiful fic. I like your writing ad the characterization is really good!
I hope you'll write more chapters!
Padfootandfriends chapter 5 . 9/3/2012
This is amazing not only well written but bueatifully exicuted. Please please please write more
nat13cat chapter 5 . 9/2/2012
yay! be strong john! fight for sherlock! I believe in Sherlock Holmes!
Kuronoko Tsubame chapter 5 . 8/31/2012
Off like a shot again, and he's gone and forgotten his cane, hm? "Watson's Warriors." I rather liked that. Goodness, catching on to what that meeting was about, I wanted to storm out of the room, and I wasn't even there! I love, absolutely love, that John got to see all the graffiti. Brilliant, and the best therapy he could have gotten.

"I Believe", indeed!
- K
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