Reviews for Just a Game
Grey Wolf4 chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
This is a great one shot with amusing moments plus great pairings!
Lexitag82 chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
I'll admit it's been a while since I've watched Azumanga, so as I was reading I had to have google open so I could quickly match the names to the pictures, but as I did that, it all came flooding back. Definitely have to watch it again soon.

Anyway, enough about that, on to the review. First of all, I really enjoyed the story. I thought that you captured the humor of the show well, and did a good job capturing the characters' personalities as well. I enjoyed the comment that Osaka made about KPop while she was sleeping. That made me chuckle. Your writing style itself is also clear, provides enough description, and is enjoyable to read.

There were a few grammatical things that I noticed, but nothing that actually took me out of the story or ruined any of the momentum, so they could be filed under me just being a little nitpicky.

Overall though, very enjoyable and definitely a nice story to start with for your first out of the gate. I look forward to reading more by you.
camplight chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
Fun little story :D I laughed when Osaka made her thoughts on kpop known...haha
Zokusho chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
Hm...Azumanga girls playing truth or dare at Chiyo's cabin. I wonder where I have seen a similar story? ... not that mine was like that :D Anyway, that was fun. Sakaki and Kaorin were hilarious. And of course the others as well. Good that you didn't make poor Chiyo-chan to witness all of that.
Marina Lenore chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
Oh man, I don't even. Thank you. This is easily, by FAR, one of the best Azumanga fanfics I've ever read. I love the pairings, and how it was executed, and I just could not stop LAUGHING holy shit. Thanks for writing this and posting it up here, it was just what I needed to cheer myself up after a crap day.)
Demented Noodles chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
I enjoyed the story. Would have preferred some other kind of plot though, this seems overused. Also some grammar and spelling mistakes were there esp in the latter half.