Reviews for The Butler, Truly Wants
GummyGuardian chapter 1 . 12/22/2019
This is perfection. This is truth.

Sebastian is a DEMON. He doesn't care about Ciel, he just wants to devour his soul. I too look forward to the day when Sebastian viciously claims his dinner.

I absolutely hate SebaCiel, I find the ship disgusting. I will never ship them.
jfksdgfosnognsofgn chapter 1 . 11/16/2016
Actually, I did not find this dark at all. In fact, it seemed natural to me. Sebastian is, after all, a ruthless. unnerving, cruel and conniving demon (praise my adjectives). So to say this was dark for him, I must disagree.

I too think fans overlook his truly evil ways. But I guess it's hard seeing as the demon's in service to a 13-year old brat who plays with kittens in his free time (I'm just guessing here). I can see how they so often misunderstand his character.

Anyways, excellent representation of Sebastian and...kudos!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/20/2016
Sebastian is a demon. DEMON. Has anyone watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica? If you have, then you'll understand more about demons' tricky natures.

I agree with all the other comments. Honestly, it's nice to see a writer who doesn't sugarcoats characters just to appease the reader's own fantasy. Because in the actual anime/manga(did you know that Yana actually intended black butler to be a hardcore yaoi? But apparently something happened and it was canceled) Sebastian is supposed to think of Ciel as food, not a lover. It would make more sense to have Sebastian fall in love with Ciel AFTER he becomes a demon. What kind of demon falls in love with their prey? Alas, there's a lot of controversy about this topic but, in my personally opinion this is how I think Sebastian really is, at least before the whole Alois Arc. Though the times where Sebastian keeps commenting on how Ciel's soul will be soooo delicious because of his personality/determination and shit, I believe it would be the perfect time to hint that Sebastian will slowly start to fall in love but will be conflicted because his demon side will say no, he's food not someone you can fall in love with. So when Ciel finally becomes a demon they can start their new life together. Ah~ how romantic! But notice how in the anime Sebastian seems sad that his food got away from him. So he's be conflicted on what to feel at first, but then over time it would be possible for them to become lovers, but it wouldn't make sense for them to be lovers right away. Now the OVA's, and the Trancy Arc does hint that Sebastian does feel something, even just a tiny bit. But not the first season, but it only makes sense.

so yah, sorry for ranting but I totally agree with you. Tho, I would suggest you make this a T rated... This isn't really an M, not that dark enough - especially since this is Kuroshitsuji we're talking about.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/14/2015
Sebastian's a demon, so I don't really think it's dark, rather this is one of the rare fics that show Sebastian's true nature. I rather agree with you that he's not really showing his true nature, just pretending to care for Ciel while waiting for the day he'll get his soul.
Great story, hope you make more!
Resident of Wonderland chapter 1 . 8/22/2015
When I scroll down the side of black butler fic's I really miss stories that aren't slash or mary sue's down the rabbit hole. This one really made my day :D
W0lf-Spirit chapter 1 . 5/24/2015
Dark? For Sebby? Hes a demon. He's shown he is a sadistic, cruel, cunning, lying bastard of a demon.

So this? This is beautiful and well done. I love seeing when people see Sebastian for what he really is. Personally the sacistic cruel bastard ready to rip Ceils soul from his body is much better in all ways around then some frickity frack buddy who somehow decided he cares for this overbearing meal.
emeraldd30 chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
Sounds pretty write, I like to hope that sebs holds some fatherly affection for ciel and maybe won't eat his soul in the end. But prob not the longer a meal takes to cook, the better it tastes. He's one hell of sexy butler and he's also on hell of a good lier.
Da3n3rys T. S chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Well, I still love that demon. Even if he is so fucking dark. Maybe this drabble has anything to do whit "The Book of Damnation" and all the Lizzy/Lucy stuff? Whatsoever, IT'S WONDERFUL! I love you for not going into yaoi mess!
Moon Of Jupiter chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
SO. True.
xxSebastianxGrellxx chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
I don't care if Sebastian's intentions are horrible... Ciel can kiss my ass! :D Sebastian's my demon and he can eat me any freaking day he wants! I really am like Ciel in real life too... but I also have a Grell side! Woo! Personalities FTW! Anyway I love your little drabble... It was pretty damn awesome ;3
rainbowspring chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
I couldn't have put it better myself. Sometimes I wonder just how much Ciel realized at the time how much he was going to get himself into! :D
Midknight Shadows chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
Oh my goodness! Perfect! Excellent! It really is true- as much as we'd like to think he's different, this is what he is probably really like.
promocat chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
it is dark-but that's what sebastina is & i think ciel sem realizes it- & is as ready as any human for it