Reviews for Worse Games to Play
Goldenheart11 chapter 2 . 1/19/2013
The Neil, Todd, Ginny triangle broke my heart. I'm just curious, was Neil in love with Ginny? It seems like you ship Todd and Neil, like me, and that he was onlyclose friends with Ginny but I can't tell. I've been trading your stories religiously lately. XD
LISA chapter 2 . 10/16/2012
(Derp too lazy to sign in.)

sphrbn chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
This is great, I like how you carried on the story after Charlie's hunger games. The ending was amazing, those lines summed it up brilliantly.

A bit more of Charlie's character from DPS could of been incorporated. And this story should be in the cross-over section. Otherwise it's brilliantly!
Corky the Quirk chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
First off, let me just tell you that my mind is blown.

Second, let me just tell you how glad I am that I finally, finally got to read this in its entirety (see what I did there with the 'finally, finally' bit? Huh? Huh?).

And Thirdly, the use of the nickname Chaz makes me so happy.

But anyway. Holy crap. I caught on to Steven being the creator of the forcefield that ends up being Haymitch's godsend when he was explaining it to Charlie and I was like "OMG STEVEN YOU ARE SO SMART LOOK AT YOU OMG YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO UPSET WHEN THEY USE THAT FOR THE GAMES BUT THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE YOU HAVE CHARLIE TO HELP YOU THROUGH AND YOU'LL SEE THAT IT DOES HELP PEOPLE BECAUSE IT HELPED KEEP HAYMITCH ALIVE YAY!" (also the comparison of Haymitch and Charlie was brilliant)

And then you killed Meeks and I felt like Charlie had stabbed me with his sword. And that's not an innuendo.

The ending was just brilliant with the way you brought the reader into the story, daring them to ring a doorbell.

Also, District 12 represent! Did you know you can get a Capital ID that tells you which district you belong to and what your occupation is if you go to the Hunger Games Facebook page? Yeah, you can. I'm a coal miner from 12. I would totally ring a doorbell. And it sounds morbid but I would totally love to have Charlie as my mentor. At least I'd die in the arena all twitter-pated by my sexy miner crush.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite things I've ever read in fan fiction! It is by far one of your best works and it's just amazing! I apologize that it took me so long to get to it (trust me, it was torturous to me as well how long it took).

And just as this is one of your longest one-offs, this is one of my longest reviews. How fitting. :)
Blackbirdox chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
Oh. OH GOD. Okay. Let me just take a moment to collect myself here. Wow.

I just finished The Hunger Games yesterday and then I got this email and I was like, "what a coincidence!" THE ANGST. For some reason, even though the genre says angst and we're dealing with THG, I was not expecting the angst.

Your style of writing here is just amazing to me. You've always been so brilliant, and I know I say this every time, but this has got to be the best thing you've ever written. It was so beautifully constructed and I love every part of it.

The bit with the books at the beginning was such a perfect way to start this off and then the end. Ugh, the end. That last line hurt in the best way possible. I really do love this. I do. I want to wrap it up in something soft and cuddle with it forever.
soulback chapter 1 . 3/25/2012

I must admit I still haven't read/watched the Hunger Games but from what I can tell it's the strangest, most chilling idea for a novel AS IS THIS STORY. I love it even though it scares me.

"Victor, mentor, lover, genius, Steven." gaaah. Anything that takes Charlie and Meeks and makes them these grown-up, multi-dimensional, dark and deep characters gets all the awards in my book :D