Reviews for Burning in a Pot of Love and Desire
Kananox chapter 1 . 3/18/2018
I wish they talked more! But that was amazing
Ancient Xana of the Old Forest chapter 1 . 3/2/2016
Thnk u for such lovely shot! They were going around circles too much! But when they finally admitted was nice to see it on the show and here on the story! But I guess Blair suffered a lot during second season... But finally as Dan said: she was supposed to decide whats most important to her. Keeping her pride and getting nothing or taking a risk and maybe, maybe having everything! I loved it! Thnkkk uuu
gossipgirllover123 chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
loved this story
TheDevilandhisQueen chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
This was so... SO... unbearably beautiful.

Loved the setup, loved the middle, loved the end (obviously).

I thought it was highly amusing how B actually walked in on him with his porn. I never actually gave much thought to what happened to Chuck post his encounter with Blair, but he probably did just hightail it right to his room. Now I can't help but wonder whether it was the porn that held his attention or his imagination of a certain favorite brunette... ;)

And I adore how Chuck got angry that he didn't mean it, that he said she was supposed to mean it. Of course, she did, and I love that. I see this version and the way the show took it (with her not saying it) to mean that C and B can't say those words to each other and not mean it, because they mean it even when they don't want to. B couldn't "just say it" in the show because she meant it, and even though B "just said it" here, she didn't really "just say it." And Chuck can never say it because he means it in ANY world and it's terrifying to him how much he loves her.

And, the dashes of heat sprinkled throughout added just the right touch to the whole fic. LovedlovedlovedandLOVED every last bit of this (in case you haven't gathered that from my long-winded rant about C and B's general love for each other on the show and in fic-ville). Thank you for sharing! -C
Dr.GG chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
This was fantastic. You took one of my favorite Chair moments and made it better. Ive always gotten a kick out of Chuck with his bag of porn and wondered if he had to use it that night (I always assumed that he did). Funny that she walked in on him masterbating! Can't decide if that would be a good or bad site, maybe it's a bit of both haha. Well, Blair still caved first, even though the first time was not meant to be with feeling but we know it was there. Still at leas he said it back to her! Great sexy fic!
olimgossip chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
OMG! I love tour story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
TriGemini chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
This was really great to read.

If only things had worked out like this in the beginning of S2 between Chair-we wouldn't have to endure so much drama with them.

In any case, you did a great job with this story.

Plus, it's also nice to see more Chair stories-seeing as how, Dair is dominating the site lately.

Looking forward to more of LA, so until then.
Disco Shop Girl chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
Fantastic! I watched this episode again recently and your take on it fits *perfectly* with the moods and speech and atmosphere surrounding Chuck and Blair that night. I could picture every movement. Your writing is just awesome, thanks for sharing!
Krazy4Spike chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
Like it alot as well. Thanks. If I have to see one more Dan and Blair fanfiction taking over I might be ill. They are outnumbering us 2 to 1.
MasochistandNarcissistFan chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
Awwww. hehe Cute. We all know this could have gone down if the writers had decided to do to that so awesome. Love the dialogue. heh