Reviews for Fooling
TTAznGrl92 chapter 7 . 1/13/2014
Poor Adam. Why does everyone hate him? Charlie and Jesse now know what happen. Hopefully adam tell the other ducks soon. Please update
sinbin05 chapter 7 . 10/4/2003
Aw...poor poor Adam! *starts sobbing* Por Adam...

Please please please post more soon! btw, I'm really thankful that you just left it at 'I was raped' and didn't go into the details. I just finished reading a Paul Kariya story about that very thing, and oh God, it was so graphic, it made me sick. Anyway, thanks. :-)
jess chapter 7 . 6/14/2003

i was just thinking about this story and how much i like it and the you never asked what i wanted both are good and i can't wait for their next chapters
Hi-I'm-New chapter 7 . 8/25/2002
Any plans on updating? Me would like to knows what happens *grins*
Lil Starlette chapter 4 . 5/27/2002 god! This story is coming out great..and Adam's
Graceful Fall chapter 4 . 5/27/2002
Poor Adam! This is really good Dana keep going!
Cairnsy chapter 4 . 5/27/2002
It's an interesting concept, Adam has a passiveness about him that can easily lend itself to the thought that he could get into such a situation. I think the story could have been greatly improved if Adam had been fleshed out and explored in a bit more depth, he does come across as quite wooden at times, and there are moments that would benefit from show as opposed to tell. By the fourth chapter we are told that Adam has been raped, yet we don't actually *see* the effect this is having on him. Physically, mentally, socially - restricting his reaction merely to hockey makes his character come across as a tad flat. Even though he's been through a traumatic experience, he comes across as very stable, very calm - in fact, he comes across just as normal as Jesse, even though we are actually inside Adam's mind )

Another thing that made me pause was the reaction from the other Ducks. Insanely worried when their friend/team mate does something completely out of character? Yes. Selfishly mad because he 'abondoned' them? Even someone who didn't know Adam at all would find the situation strange.

And just because I'm curious ). How did Jesse afford to go to a private school *without* a hockey team? I can see him having recieved a scholarship to a hockey centric one after the Goodwill Games, but everything we saw in 'Champions' pointed towards his family being poor.

Anyway, there are some interesting aspects to the story so far, and while there are several grammar errors, they are usually fairly easy to over look.
mulaNa chapter 4 . 5/26/2002
i'm laughing sooooo hard.i know it's supposed to be sad or something but i just can't stop laughing!sorry!i'm still laughing
saimone chapter 4 . 5/26/2002
This is one of the few times that I hate it when I'm right...I had a feeling that this was where you were taking the story-Poor Adam! Great job. Can't wait for more...
Black Laramie chapter 4 . 5/26/2002
i am thoroughly disgusted. yet i want to know how everyone handles this, and how they help adam through this, because they have to. poor adam. why does it all happen to adam?
Amy chapter 4 . 5/26/2002
Wow. This is realy different. I'm really intrigued. Please continue.
Hi-I'm-New chapter 4 . 5/26/2002
Great chapters. I like what I have read so far. Never read about this subject in a Mighty Ducks so it is great to read something different. Now if only I could get passed my writer's block then everything would be even greater.
Genki chapter 2 . 5/25/2002
oooooooooohhhhhhhhh... Adams gotta secret!

- Write More!
Graceful Fall chapter 1 . 5/24/2002
This is good! I like this rewrite.