Reviews for Scars
Arasulgil chapter 2 . 6/22
I don't know if you'll read this after all this time, but thank you so much for this story. Authors like you who write about things that heal us, that help us get through the valleys we're in, are the sort of people who save lives. Thank you for writing this, thank you for sharing this, and thank you so much for existing.
succeeding chapter 1 . 12/31/2018
This is devastatingly beautiful. i especially like the narrative details like the cat jumping away, scared, at the sound of Frank beating Jim it perfectly describe Jim's emotions and what spurs him to his actions. Also, the "costs" are very accurate, at least in my experience.

I have many many noticeable scars from self-harm and childhood abuse/neglect. So your work really spoke to me because it's so TRUE how people can look and judge and make assumptions without ever even making an attempt to empathize. And because of that, the way you feel like you have to hide. But rarely, we find people like Bones, who can be rocks in times of need.

The "It's OK to be sad" IS SO IMPORTANT. Many people feel ashamed of their sadness and that just makes things even worse. Your Bones is so comforting.

i read your author's note in Chapter 2 and I'm so sorry your scars became an issue for you in joining the military. I at one point had been seriously entertaining the idea but then read about the military frowning upon past history of abuse and also scars and... that stopped that path. I hope you managed to get to your dream though, whatever that is!
Meldiriel Erulisse chapter 1 . 9/14/2018
qgjpadawan chapter 2 . 4/20/2018
thank you for posting this story n writing something so relatable. it takes courage to post stories as this. i still fear posting mine cuz i take criticism personally.
ive read this one in particular a cpl of yrs ago. it still impacts me today as it had the first time. i relate to cutting myself but in a way i can explain easily away n no one pursues with inquiries. i barely found someone who accepts me for me at a terrible moment in life. dead inside yet desperate, he became my center. we're working thru this relation, more than a yr together. he's strong n stubborn, patient n not easily scared away by my personality. with his help n a therapists', im beginning to learn n understand y n how this mind acts n behaves the way it does. it hasn't been ez; setbacks on occasion but i no longer crave death as i used to every day n night.
i felt like sharing this with you. i don't know if you still check this site but be safe n well. n thank you
quarterhorseranch chapter 2 . 9/15/2017
This story is awesome!

I've dealt with abuse from multiple sides, and my favorite type of story is always h/c. And
Bones is amazing. :P
Halibugz chapter 2 . 12/20/2016
I have scars too, and I've never been more worried now that I'm getting ready to graduate from college and become a teacher. My scars are on my right thigh and my right wrist, and I always get nervous when someone sees them. I used to catch my mom looking at them when I had fresh cuts, but now they're years old, and she doesn't look at them so much anymore.

I've gone through a lot to be 231 days clean. I just want to let you know that if you want to talk, you can always message me :)
panni2 chapter 2 . 9/24/2016
I appluad you. That was a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing something so personal. You are an amazing person!
empty to be deleted chapter 1 . 8/17/2015
Gah, McCoy is so awesome.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/21/2015
I very rarely write reviews but I have to say; Your fic was wonderful but I think I liked the author's note even more. I do not have scars like you or Jim but many of my good friends do and I have suffered from depression. Your message almost brought me to tears and I just want to thank you for your compassion and support. You are a beautiful person and I wish you all the luck in the world.
delete-account-please-6195578 chapter 2 . 12/16/2014
Super story I’m sorry to see this excellent story came to an end.
delete-account-please-6195552 chapter 2 . 12/6/2014
fantastic story I can’t believe how awesome it was
Lilac24141 chapter 2 . 5/18/2014
Thank you for sharing your story. You give so much courage to others. You, also, are loved.
Ajluv chapter 2 . 1/21/2014
Wow. That's inspiring. I can't pretend to understand what you've been through, but I have just got to say, that is an inspiring story. I sincerely hope you accomplish everything you put your sights on.
Inastiel chapter 2 . 12/25/2013
Thank you
APlagueOnBothYourHouses chapter 2 . 9/30/2013
Okay this just proves my theory that you are awesome. First, obviously, because your writing is just so freaking amazing. Seriously are you published? And second, because, while I am not going through anything more stressful than a typical 8th grade schedule, I know that some people are having a much worse time of it then I am. (And really grateful that God granted me such an awesome life because I'm not sure what I would do if stuff like that happened to me.) But anyways, this is my roundabout and ramble-y way of saying that you have earned my respect and I hope that whatever you choose/ perhaps have already chosen makes you happy because you deserve it.
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