Reviews for A Schoolgirl Crush
MiyukiShinodaMindFreak chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
Mr Bellatrix Lestrange chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
Considering the pairing, I'd say you did a quite amazing job handling it. The crush was realistic and plausible, especially for Hermione, who would likely be attracted to such a teacher who was smart, kinds, understandable, and comforting. Even the fact that she was okay with him being a werewolf was rather sweet. Your part about the boggart was completely true as well- by not overcoming it, she essentially failed- which she was afraid of to begin with! The logic there was quite spectacular, and I liked your characterized Lupin. Two errors I caught: "the Professors voice," should be, "the Professor's voice." Also, "Are you ok?" should be either 'okay,' 'OK,' or 'O.K.' But that's a minor rule of course.
Shira Lansys chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
Aw, that was definitely the way Remus would have dealt with it!

Great story!
Jemennuie chapter 1 . 3/22/2012
Cute yet realistic and something that seems like it could've happened in canon.