Reviews for The Untold Story of District Four
chemisgirl chapter 45 . 8/26/2019
Amé cada capítulo, la historia es hermooosa. Gracias por escribir ese final alternativo, siempre me gusta leer historias en las que Finnick sobrevive y puede estar con Annie y su pequeñopero el verdadero final fue tan doloroso como bueno. Espero que el traductor haga bien su trabajo y puedas entender mi review
doraviolet1 chapter 45 . 5/27/2016
nice writing! love this story very much! Thanks for the alternative ending. I prefer they stay together after all the tragic. they deserves the happiness!
Owells chapter 45 . 2/18/2016
Omg! So amazing!
hetashookjhs chapter 1 . 2/15/2016
It was beautiful. I just love how you portrayed Finnick and Annie. This story literally made me cry at the last few stories are the best. Keep it up.
Lillian chapter 45 . 1/15/2016
This was amazing. I never cared much for Finnik until this. I was sobbing through the last chapters. And that is special, because I never cry at books. You really have a knack at writong. I am still crying!
Shobana chapter 45 . 10/2/2015
Omg... Omg... Omg... I cried... I seriously cried... Omg... No words to describe... Omg ... #finnick&annie .. love finnick and annie forever...
Frederica1 chapter 1 . 9/29/2015
Hello kmmc,

my name is Frederica and I am from Berlin.
I think your fanfiction is wonderful and I want to ask, whether its okay for you, when I translate the story into German?

Guest chapter 45 . 11/14/2014
What a GREAT story. I was crying when Finnick died and then I read the rest of the story. That is probably one of my favorite fanfiction stories
TheMockingjay chapter 21 . 11/10/2014
I like this story but in The books,, Annie went mad from the HG.
taniaroxx101 chapter 45 . 6/12/2014
I love it. So much. Thank you.
I am so happy I read that finnick died and started crying, then I read the next chapter an I was so happy!
Guest chapter 45 . 4/17/2014
That was beautiful. Thank you for making Finnick and Annie's story come to life. Thank you for making Annie seem like such a nice person, I love the way you portrayed her. Thank you for making Finnick seem like a hero, which he was. Thank you for this amazing story. You are a great writer and I would read your books if you write one.
Guest chapter 45 . 4/14/2014
So amazing! I was looking for Finnick and Annie fanfiction and this was the best one! You got me right in the feels... I can't even tell you how amazing this is. Thank you for letting Finnick live :) amazing fanfic!
Lys chapter 23 . 3/16/2014
First of all, with a Psychology major as a best friend, Im telling you this. Annies symptoms in cannon are nothing different to any other people who went through a war, and come back to tell it: PTSD.
Never forget that the first time we "saw her" we are doing it through Katniss eyes, who is not a very nice and merciful person towards traumatized people (that's prim's job), and the real time we really met Annie, was "after" her torture in the Capitol hands, so I think she is not weak, just suffering through a relapse after torture.
I know people who survived "dark years" in my country who, after 30 years of their torture still have flashbacks and nightmares, night terrors, and panic attacks,
And lastly, let's not forget, that Finnick was also "useless" without her, so she is not the only dependent in their relationship.
I hate when people compare her with Johanna, their personalities showed vary differently because of their relationship to the main POV of the books: Katniss. She spends time with Johanna, and almost nothing with Annie, because she is taken away by Finn. So nobody knows much about Mrs Odair.
Guest chapter 45 . 2/27/2014
Hungergameslover chapter 45 . 2/23/2014
I loved this fanfiction it was definatley my most favorite I've ever read! I hope you keep on writing I really enjoyed reading these
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