Reviews for Young Justice: My version
unactive account 1232312334543 chapter 7 . 7/23/2013
oh u dont :( do u if u do get back to me soon so i can stop being depressed
unactive account 1232312334543 chapter 6 . 7/23/2013
do u still need black canary protégé?
Atretroia chapter 10 . 5/13/2012
Glad to hear it.

Oh, and if your still looking for oc's, I could spare some, if you want.
Optimus524 chapter 8 . 5/13/2012
Super Name: Sprite

Real Name: none

Gender: male

Age: thirty two but sixteen in human biological equivalent

Mentor: none

Species: half human/half Florauna(living plant)

Power: able to talk with plants, contorl plants and absorb plant powers (Like super strenght, skin as hard as bark, fast reflexes, able to grow thorns out of his body to use as weapones, breath underwater, survive in hot deserts and able to glide) also can use healing magic and change to look like human

Personality: he's quite but often gives out wisdom and always try to help those in need

Superhero outfit: Has white eyes,green vine like hair and a wooden helmet he has leaf like skin but as hard as wood and bark armour this is one with his skin on his chest there is a tree like logo

Winter Uniform: Same but can change the colour of his skin to match his surroundings

Stealth Uniform: likes like his superhero outfit

human form: blind but can feel things around him and hearing sharper than normal humans brown haired human with green shirt, blabk trousers and black boots

Family: all died his father was the king of Florauna his mother was a botanist

History: His father came to earth to find a mate and have child for a short while was hero named woodman after child was born went back home. When he turned thiry two plant was attacked by Apokolips his people fought barvily but they were defeated as a last resort his father ordered that the younger generation must be sent to the stars. Sprite was transported to Earth where young justice found him and ,ade him apart of the team.

Likes: plants and to help others

Dislikes: fire

Strengths: hand to hand combat

Flaws/Weakness: fire and weed killer

Secrets: just her hone life foster dad beats her she can save other people just not her self ,

Smart: about 7/10

Sociable: 5/10

Love Interest?: she likes Donna Troy A.K.A Wonder Girl

Who They'd Be Enemies With: Darkside and Apokolips

Do any other protégés know your oc's Secret ID: (like Robin and Kid Flash) probs robin but that's because he knows all other then that no

Room Description: room is mainly covered in plants with flowers on the wall and ceiling and sleeps in a pod.
AudreyTucker0001 chapter 1 . 5/12/2012

Super Name: Nyx (house of night person loved the name)

Real Name: Lea Night

Age: (13-18) 18

Gender: F

Mentor: Red Arrow

Species: human

Power: (if they don't have powers, put what they use to fight) hand to hand combat and kick ass with a bow

Personality (detailed): Lea Night: she's very clutzy very shy and trys to keep to her self mostly shes a victim of bullying at school and at home

Nyx: she's completely different from her . she's moody in a pissed off way like R.A but not afraid to slap a smile on her face. Wile on parole she trys to make Red smile or laugh

Hair Color: mahogany with black streaks

Hair Style: about to her hips ( she refuse to cut it) straight with a little flip on the bottom she had bangs but they grew to a emoish flip

Skin Tone: olive

Eye Color: blue green

Any other facial features: she has dimples and a birthmark under her left eye in the shape of an heart

Superhero outfit: (description please) white tank top comes alittle above her belly button over that is a red leather jacket her pants are black skinnys with black boots that zip up the middle them come about half way up her caf with 3 buckles

Winter Uniform: about the same as above but instead of a leather jacket she has a white puffy one with white fur and white boots

Stealth Uniform: again the same just all black she hates shoping so she has what she has

Civvies outfits (must have 3 different outfits description would be nice)

Outfit 1) long sleeve striped shirt on top of that is a drama shirt ( what ever play she has seen or what she's been in) baggy jeans with lots of pockets with black converse high tops

Outfit2) short sleeve blue shit with some graphic image with a white flowy short skirt with sandles

Outfit 3) sweat pants and a baggie sweat shirt with black ugh boots

Accessories (for super or civvies): super none

Civvies thick black glasses

Swimwear: you'll never see it when in civvies but if she whent with super friends you'll see her in shorts and a bikini top with a book

Sleepwear: she sleeps in a long sleeve shirt and black shorts that looks like a skirt

Formal wear: ling floor leanth black dress with black heals she will wear her moms pearl earings her hair in a nice bun with strips hanging down in curls

Work out wear: hair in a pony tail white tank top and shorts

Family: all died when she was 13 she's been on her own till dss cot up with her at the age of 16 she's been jumping from home to home till she Turnd 18

History: (Include as much as possible and how they become protégé to their hero) she had seen red arrow on the news and thought he was cute so she whent to go have "fun" she keeps coming back even tho he tells her to leave

How long have they been sidekicks: (try to stay between a 1 day to 3 years range) about 3 mounths even if he dosnt think of her as her side kick just an girl who won't leave him alone

Likes: the earth/ animals / music / dancing and reading.

Dislikes: people

Strengths: hand to hand combat

Flaws/Weakness: knives guns anything that will kill a human

Secrets: just her hone life foster dad beats her she can save other people just not her self ,

Smart (1-10, 10 being the best): about a7/8

Sociable (1-10): at school 1 as a hero about wally lol

Favorite/Hated Singer(s)/Band(s): she likes all music just not heave head banging music

Favorite/Hated Book(s): house of night she hate twilight

Favorite/Hated Food(s): anything veggi she hates meat

Favorite/Hated Place: she like graveyards they ceep her come

Favorite/Hated Class: she loves all class bit gym

Other Favorite/Hated things: loves her cat Gilbert hates birds

Talents Outside of Power: she can sing

Average Grades: B/A-

Love Interest?(Yes or No): she likes red just saying

What They Look For In A Friend: she's a good lissener so she looks for a talker or someone they can sit in silence with

Who They'd Be Enemies With: popular girls the once at school have been mean like the girls from carry

Hometown: star city

Home: right now with the abuser some were in star

Do they live with their mentors: no but in the same area

Are you related to your mentor(uncle nephew niece father son adopted or are you just some random kid who saw their idol one day and teamed up with them: nope

Do any other protégés know your oc's Secret ID: (like Robin and Kid Flash) probs robin but that's because he knows all other then that no

Room Description: like bedroom? Clean with a few things scatterd here or there a cheallo in the corner sheet music on her walls her bed spread is purple with a green panda bear stuffie on the pillows

Theme Song: um she hums a random tune when out fighting crime

Quotes: none

Anything Else: nope
Pumpkiboo chapter 10 . 5/12/2012
its been forever though...
buckybitchinbarnes chapter 8 . 5/2/2012
Aww! I'm sad that my hero didn't make it in, but did my Villian?
John77 chapter 9 . 4/30/2012
Thanks for keeping my character
Black Morphine chapter 9 . 4/29/2012
Was my character kicked out? D:

Ah well...
iPreferTrashPanda chapter 9 . 4/28/2012
Balthazar Elise

Superhero name:Anicall

Powers: Controls/turns/talks to animals

Appearance: Black hair and green eyes. He has a very thin scar on the back of his left hand from his older brother Timothy's army knife.

Clothing Style: Black cargo boots, army patterned pants with a matching vest and a long sleeved black shirt and he wears a camoflauge bandana around his neck
SlayingDead chapter 9 . 4/28/2012
Thanks so much for picking my OC i cant Wait till you start writing it! im so excited! I really hope you update soon :)
kay.ness chapter 9 . 4/28/2012
So excited for the story! I couldn't stop thinking about this story all week... my mom thought I was going crazy for a while.
San child of the wolves chapter 8 . 4/28/2012
Ok I re-read the update. So I think you're cutting out my character? Unless of course I'm totally reading this wrong?
San child of the wolves chapter 9 . 4/28/2012
Ok nice character list. I can't wait to read the first chapter... but I'm a little confused. Are you still going to use my character, Dragon or not? Considering he was in the update but not in the final list? Hence my confusion.
Pumpkiboo chapter 9 . 4/28/2012
whew still in.

cant wait to finally be able to read this story
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