Reviews for The Many Personalities of Spain
Anon Love chapter 26 . 6/30
Hey El,
I've been checking in on some of the fics I read that got dropped and just wanted to say hope you're doing ok and I hope you eventually come back to this. Don't know if you get or check your messages anymore but I really enjoyed this fic, the plot was very interesting and not something I had really seen with these two. I loved how you played the characterization and would really love to see how it ends. Either way, hope you're doing good and that you are safe, healthy, and happy.
Hetaliafan21 chapter 26 . 4/8
I have loved your story, but what’s up? I’m dying to know what’s going to happen next and if you’re going to continue, and since it’s been five years is everything okay? I hope things aren’t too shitty and I hope you will continue and update again! Honestly, this has been my favorite fan fiction out of every one I’ve read and it would be amazing if you could continue.
AnimeAddicts7 chapter 6 . 12/29/2019
The ending of this chapter with Espbanana had me in brief tears ngl it was just so... myyeeghh! :,D! No clue when this fic was published or had last been updated but ahhh it's so good!
letmedeletemyaccountcoward chapter 26 . 9/16/2019
aaaah, i don’t have the words to properly express how much i love this fanfiction. all these phrases and affections are fluttering about in my mind, yet when i look at this keyboard, i realise that there’s no possibility that i’m able to put all of my love and admiration for this fic into words because no such words exist. i know you have quite the amount of reviews and you said you weren’t able to read all of them, but i wanted to give my review regardless of this because of how much i loved it. :) i don’t know where to begin, haha. this fic, in the second to last chapter when romano is crying and españa is holding him... it made me cry and i, quite frankly, never cry at fanfictions or books or movies or, really, anything of that sort, but ... they weren’t sad tears. they were proper happy tears because i could feel the love they have for each other spilling out through the words you wrote and it made me so happy and emotional. like, i could see their love through words and it made me cry. i love these characters, i loved this story, and i love you for writing such a masterpiece. i know it’s been four years since the last update, but don’t feel obliged to finish it or guilty that you haven’t finished it. i hope you’re doing well in health and in life because you deserve to and although i don’t know you, i want the best for you and i want you to be happy and comfortable. i do hope you can continue this fic because, well, it may just be my favourite now, but if you’re unable, all is well and you should focus on yourself. :) i was happy enough to just read it, completed or not. gracias y grazie for making me so happy whilst reading this! now i’m going to go cry and indulge in some more spamano.
Something2Something chapter 26 . 6/16/2019
I will wait forever.
Guest chapter 26 . 5/29/2019
I’ve read this like three times since I found it a year ago, and I always try to stretch it out- hitting chapter 26 is bittersweet. I know this will never update again, but it has one of my favourite fic premises, and it’s the first story I ever went out of my way to find; I read it on AO3 first, and was overjoyed to find a longer version here. What you did write was amazing, and I want to thank you for it.
Reading your final note... It’s been four years, and I hope you’re doing better now. Everything’ll be alright in the end.
RoseTyler chapter 26 . 5/12/2019
Just finished rereading this again! I make a point of going back once or twice a year to read it again. I'd say it's probably my favorite story on fanfiction, if not my favorite fanfiction period. I won't try to pressure you to update, I know that doesn't help anything. Instead I'll tell you that I love your story a lot, and even if you never post anything again, this will always hold a special place in my heart :)
Fallen99 chapter 26 . 5/13/2019
I just found your story and I know it's been a while since you updated but I hope you can try to start again. I sincerely hope your depression is getting better. I understand the struggle of reading the reviews when you can't find it in you to write and anything you do manage to squeeze out seems worse than just not updating. You're not alone in this and I'm not just talking about writing either.
Dyingtrainreck chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
I absolutely love everything about this story ToT I really really hope you see this,it’s been 4 years man,every story that’s literally outstanding and I love so much seems to just drop off for years and not update
Mystery0028 chapter 26 . 12/31/2018
I hope you are all right now and that you will update when you are better. Although I would understand if you decide not to update again because you don't feel like it.
mayflowerbel chapter 26 . 10/27/2018
I know you probably won't update this, but could you at least put up a summary of how this ends? Please please please?
SincerelyChic chapter 26 . 9/16/2018
You really portrayed the characters in a believable way, Romano was written perfectly!
Guest chapter 26 . 8/4/2018
MORE MORE MIRE please update in 2018, I need the ending to this. This fan fiction is certainly wonderful and the story line blows my mind, I’ve fallen in love and I can’t get up help? Anyway the story is amazing.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/14/2018
Spamono and Gerita are cannon in the show no joke
XenaSorceress chapter 26 . 5/4/2018
Hey! I know you haven't updated this story in a while, but I hope this review reaches you anyway. I absolutely love this fanfic to death. Not only does it have such a unique concept, the idea is fantastically executed, the writing is absolutely amazing and, my favorite part, I absolutely LOVE the characters. Seriously! I'm practically just as in love with Spain, España and Antonio as Romano is (or... maybe not, haha. Lovi's feelings for the three are pretty damn strong ;) I'm so glad that you actually fleshed out the different personalities of each counterpart and didn't make them almost identically the same like other similar fanfics. Not only that, but you've written them really well! I can get such a good sense of what each counterpart is like that it feels like they're real people that I know. That, however, isn't just limited to the three of them, cause Lovi himself is written so fantastically too! I can visualize and sympathize with the internal conflicts he has so well as he pines for Antonio, Spain and España, and laugh myself silly when he's making obvious denials of his affection. Your writing skills are absolutely phenomenal. I could go on all day, but I don't want to bother you with an especially long review. In short, thank you so much for writing this little slice of heaven. Every few months, I keep finding myself returning to it cause I simply can't stay away from the story, even though I know there hasn't been any new updates in... three years? Wow, that's a long time. It worries me that you haven't been around lately, especially with your latest author's note, but I hope you're doing okay. If you can, please bless us with a new chapter soon, or at least an update! I'm honestly pretty concerned because of your long disappearance, but I'll keep my hopes up and hope you're still fine. Even if you never come back to this story, at least know that this is, and will always be, one of my absolute favorite pieces of writing on the Internet. Thank you so much for writing it and sharing it with the rest of us Hetalia fans
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