Reviews for Sandcastles
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13
I need another one ... one where they’re together with this precious child :,v I shall name him Noah (No Noel XD ah Serah XD I’m so creative XD)
anthonymosca27 chapter 1 . 12/14/2019
Final Fantasy XIII 2 a lot of interesting facts the actor who played snow was going to walk away from his contract cuz he wasn't getting enough money so they created an Nole to be a new love interest for Serah farron but Ubisoft also new to fall out if that there done that a lot of fans would have been angry at them from doing so I think I don't need to tell you why that is so the other work to give him the money he asked for or have him walk away from the contracts a lot of dialogue with in the game of Final Fantasy XIII it Lightnings Return was just in case they could not work out the arrangements I was contract so they always set stuff up ahead of time remember XIII to when it came out they were all ready to process of making Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns game so which means they're doing both games simultaneously so which means they work in a contingency just in case snow walk away during Final Fantasy XIII-2 Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns and the reason I came up with the idea is that turn the battle with snow in Final Fantasy 13 Lightning has returned it's implied that he wants lightning to kill him the key from from transforming into a Mindless monster individual dialogue in its implied that she uses the knife that Sarah gave her to end his existence listen to Her speech to Snow White between this cut scenes after she beats him the first time I before she uses the crystal that was never part of the original die login just so you know so there was a contingency just in case he walked away from the contract to kill snow at that point of the story line it was originally Nole who came to the her rescue when she was trapped by the worshippers of the Bhunivelze order of the Salvation and there's a lot of dialogue in flying them that much watch that scene over again and you'll see which I refer to it's hinted throughout the story but like I said they man should work out the contracts the final moments of the video game production and hit the Cutting Room floor the scene with the knife and he replaced it with the crystal which does not have the that kind of power only the goddess of death has the power to do that not an amulet that was a plot hole in the story because it was filled at the last moment because they came to an agreement on the contract with the actor who voice snow
PumpkinSpice0112 chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
Adorable. I love how she barely freaked out about him being Noel's child and not Snow's.
I never really like 1st and 2nd game Snow. They were mostly annoying. But 3rd game Snow, that was my favorite. All depressing and suicidal. But he'd never appear in that time line would he?
Nsu-Yeul chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
This was a great read. I loved it!
Oath of Nightwing chapter 1 . 7/3/2014
Aww noel-serah couple is to cute and this fic is to cute too!
yuyane chapter 1 . 2/11/2014
this was a beautiful oneshot! i loved it!
yukikofarron chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
Blessedhearted chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
This was soo adorable and perfect! Loved it u should make more if u get an idea write it down lol
cloudnine chapter 1 . 3/13/2013
I. Absolutely loved this! Seems lie somthin tha could happen in the game. I just wish an actual chapter story could be made using thjis it would be the ultimate story for noerah shippers. Thanx for postin
Crush-Chan17 chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
So cute! Gah. I wish this would be reality for Serah and Noel. Somehow. Hah.
diellemabelle chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
I see this was posted quite a while ago, but I've only just read it. I really liked how Serah couldn't control the vision - so that she had to piece the information together slowly as it was revealed. I admit I haven't read a lot of fics with the motherly-love angle, but it really suits Serah! Awe, those beautiful blue eyes, who could ever resist them?
LakuriSyaoran chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
oh my goodness ;-; so many feels so freaking adorable I just can't even. I love it! 3
The Clawed Butterfly chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
aha! marvellous! fantastic! *claps*
Nevergonnafindme chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
wonderful 3 although kinda sad and lonely.. I hate squarenix so much atm ;:.
neno-neko-chan chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
this is hands down the best noerah story ive read so have to continue or at least make serah tell noel what she saw this is this is just wow this is amazing you are amazing for writing this story i love it its sooo going on my fav list and my story alerts was freaking wow! you ave to make a part 2! i hope you do and i lov your story!
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