Reviews for The Four and the Avatar
Azquine chapter 1 . 4/26/2017
I really do think this story has potential. you have gone in a different direction than most 'characters go to another universe' already!
most just get them to meet katara and sokka when they have just met aang. however you got them to explore a fire nation ship instead, I would love to see where that leads! You also managed to avoid one of the big mistakes people make with this type of crossover fanfic too. Some writers make the characters travel to the others world using a method that doesn't fit well with the cannon narrative, or with some magical thingymabob that was never mentioned in canon.
Your decision to make the pensive children travel via the wardrobe hoping to get to narnia both fits with the lore and makes sense character wise (as i feel the four would definitely try to return to narnia at least once before leaving back to London) Overall well done! I would love to see this continued
Guest chapter 1 . 4/6/2016
I like it! Is it where Aang and Katara with he brother Sokka find Aang frozen? Are they going to show up too?
Hazel rocks chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
1 word: CONTINUE!
Unknown chapter 1 . 9/10/2014
That's all? wherz the next story or chapter? i wanna read next one!
Songsplash chapter 1 . 9/2/2014
This is amazing.
Jacenia chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
This Idea could really go somewhere! Don't give up on it! If you need some help with it just ask. :)

You write well, but the layout needs to be fixed up a bit to make it easier to read. Don't just have everything in one big paragraph, use new lines when people speak and maybe expand on the descriptions a bit. When you update a chapter the story goes to the top of the list, so the more you update, the more your story is seen.

I don't think the Pevensies would be fond of the technology. Everything in Narnia was made to be beautiful as well as functional and they didn't like weapons of destruction, they had to have an army, yes, but they were mostly a peaceful country. They were almost constantly 'at war' or in tentative peace with the giants in Ettinsmoor because they liked to eat Narnians, but thats a different story, I mean seriously, would you really ever be at peace with someone who constantly wanted to eat you?

Caity ;)
Ken Dragon of Courage chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
It was OK, but I think that the Pevensies should run into Aang and Katara.