Reviews for The Long Arm of the Law
SPN Mum chapter 4 . 5/5/2015
Oh, that was so sick! Torturing wasn't bad enough, the bastard had to go and remove the poor woman's eyes too. :( I'm glad that Dean managed to find them, and that they could finally release her. I'm glad that Sam didn't have to go to the hospital either. I wouldn't mind seeing that doctor make another appearance in another story! lol
SPN Mum chapter 3 . 5/5/2015
That was very nice of the doctor lady to let Dean take the supplies that he needed for Sam. Dean is lucky that she believed him. Hopefully he'll get back to Sam in time for the antibiotics to work. As for the past, that is some sick bastard that treated a woman like that. It sounds like he drew those pictures in her blood too. Yech!
SPN Mum chapter 2 . 5/5/2015
It looks like something bad happened at that cabin the last time Sam and Dean were there. If so, it's no wonder that neither of them want to stay there again, but they don't seem to have a choice. I hope things go better for them this time!
SPN Mum chapter 1 . 5/5/2015
Dean did some amazing driving, avoiding that police roadblock, but he couldn't avoid the cop's bullets. I hope Sam is going to be okay.
Headoverheels14 chapter 4 . 9/19/2012
Awesome story! I really loved the background story of the cabin. That was amazing!
Nachtderwolf chapter 4 . 7/8/2012
Awesome story, very refreshing way of writing, with a nice healthy dose of closure :) Thanks for the read!
Nachtderwolf chapter 3 . 7/8/2012
Love having two stories in one to read, makes things very suspenseful, great form!
Nachtderwolf chapter 2 . 7/8/2012
Love the dual perspective you have going here, makes for a nice and interesting story so far!
Nachtderwolf chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Short and intense, I like it! Good description on the driving :)
TinTin11 chapter 4 . 6/13/2012
Great story! Loved it! chapter 4 . 5/6/2012
Great final chapter, tied up the past and the present perfectly and loved the link that it was the girls eyes that the boys had missed first time round, though they were definitely not to know. Also loved the fact that she just wanted to move on and wasn't vengeful. Surprised at the little twist in the past that John did know that the cabin was haunted but wanted to test the boys out, but was nearby and not on a hunt with Caleb in case things went south. Great ending in the present, the boys figuring out it was her eyes that tied her to the cabin and managing to find them and release the girl to let her move on. And perfect you finished it with the boys back on the road again.

A really great read, enjoy it from start to finish :)
Nutella0Mutt chapter 4 . 4/28/2012
Fun story! Loved it!
Jane88 chapter 4 . 4/27/2012
Great final chapter! I'm glad the boys could finish the job for real this time. Really loved the flashbacks and connection of the past and present. Creative and well done, totally enjoyed this! :)
pandora jazz chapter 4 . 4/26/2012
Not sure I liked John in this chapter, but it was nice to know he was nearby as the young Winchesters fought the ghost.

I'm glad that Dean and Sam were able to finally finish the case and put the spirit to rest after returning to the cabin again.

I enjoyed reading your story.

Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hundley chapter 4 . 4/25/2012
A true ghost story, and it was a good one. I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought it was just the right length, with not one unnecessary line in it. Everything was seamless. Great job.
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