Reviews for To Where You Are
Guest chapter 12 . 3/7
Where’s the sequel?
AwkwardIdeasLeadToThis chapter 12 . 12/8/2016
That was so needed and appreciated. Your fluff. It totally just . My heart is being squeezed. Perfection. I can't believe i only looked at the SSHG story when you had this gem in plain sight.
librarywitch chapter 12 . 5/29/2014
Oh wow, that was simply awesome. I sure hope there is a sequel because this story is well worth reading more as soon as possible.
silvereyedbitch chapter 12 . 3/13/2014
I don't know why FF posted my review as a guest, but whatever. I'm the one who just sent you the review that starts with "hot damn." I guess FF had logged me out at some point while I was reading your fic. Ha!
Guest chapter 12 . 3/13/2014
Hot damn. I have been in awe of this fic the entire time reading it. No, screw that description; I've been DEVOURING it! LOL! This was so beautiful and perfectly plausible. Completely in line with their personalities. Your OC's were wonderful treats, too. I quite enjoyed Aoife! She brought an additional depth and heart to storyline. Your fic had some wonderfully awesome teases that kept me up late at night just so I could find out what happened next. And I don't at all regret how tired I ended up because of that when I headed into work the next morning. You've got great talent for this, and I truly hope you continue on for a long time coming. Thank you so much for the time and effort it took to throw this thing together. It is greatly enjoyed and deeply appreciated.
d1x1lady chapter 12 . 2/22/2014
Such an incredible story. One of the most poignant and romantic ones I've ever read on this site. Cannot wait to read more of your writing.
a-whisper-in-time chapter 12 . 11/4/2013
this story is amazing, i absolutely love it! the characters you've created and the life you built for sherlock in ireland are perfect. i've never read a fic with this perspective before. it's great.
please please please write a sequel soon!
Reshmi Solaris chapter 12 . 10/29/2013
You mentioned that there would be a sequel?
MomotsukiNezumi chapter 12 . 10/9/2013
Ok, I just want to say, that this has been a real pleasure to read. I came across this story by accident, but it's lovely, well thought-out, and realistic. Not to mention all the Gaelic is awesome, especially Sherlock's wonderful name for John. It just puts the "his family, his friends, and above all, John are what make up the heart of Sherlock Holmes" statement all the more beautiful.
LeChatRouge89 chapter 12 . 10/3/2013
This story was quite wonderful. I really hope to see a sequel soon.
xXBeautiful TragedyXx chapter 12 . 8/23/2013
I loved this. Every little bit of it. I hope you get the sequel out soon!
animatedgirl91 chapter 12 . 8/6/2013
Would love to see a sequel! This one was beautifully written.
Nevyn chapter 8 . 7/22/2013
I believe Sherlock should be saying "a chuisle" as he is speaking to John. Mo would be used if he was speaking about John.
Thoroughly enjoying this story. I also appreciate the connections you make. Such as Sherlock stating that Moriarty took Sherlock's life away. I hadn't thought of it that way, but it is incredibly accurate.
cherrym chapter 12 . 5/12/2013
I loved this series, it was so beautiful. A perfect AU, with wonderful depictions of Sherlock and John. I can't wait to read more. Thank you.
MJGx3 chapter 12 . 2/4/2013
Please, please, please just write the sequel already! I just finished reading this for the second time and this story is just perfect! I really hope you haven't given up on the sequel yet because it would be even more perfect if there was a second part and Sherlock returning and so on! Anyway.. Just wanted to tell you that. I love this story so much! Just pleaaaase write the sequel soon! :))
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