Reviews for The Scooby Gang Book 4 - Another Draft
Undead Shinobi Pirate chapter 18 . 9/24/2019
I need more please
Red Death chapter 18 . 9/2/2019
I hope you pick this up again someday; I was enjoying this!
ThorfinnMacbeth chapter 18 . 6/5/2019
Hi...Love these stories...please don't abandon them...
NonSolus chapter 18 . 1/24/2019
I was just re-reading this fic, when suddenly...
DAMN nice to see another chapter out!
marius1117 chapter 18 . 11/22/2018
rusty32536 chapter 18 . 11/21/2018
Hopefully this means your muse lives again, and not dead like your last reply said to me.
Quixque chapter 18 . 11/21/2018
It's awesome to see you writing and updating again. Good chapter and looking forward to more.
tj10209 chapter 1 . 11/21/2018
Welcome back! Thank you for the great holiday gift!
ThunderGod Stormbringer chapter 17 . 4/29/2018
thank you for a great story, hopefully the muse returns so you can continue
Jason chapter 17 . 7/14/2017
Please continue the Scooby gang book four. I am really enjoying the story.
Guest chapter 17 . 6/10/2017
*Reads the latest review, blinks*

Huh, well that guy was an as sh ole. But~ if you really were able to respond to another author's work, using your account. Then, while they were being rather di ckish about it, they at least had a point about your own rudeness toward your reader/fan base. The very least you could do for your readers is to declare your work abandoned so that people either won't read it if they haven't already, or only read it with the knowledge that you've given up on the concept and have no intention of completing it despite having put so much effort into it prior. Though I did come across an argument about a moral obligation to complete stories that were posted to a public venue for the purpose of yielding public responses, I won't repeat it, seeing as you've decided that your unfinished work is not any obligation of yours. Though that does make me wonder how you hold down any job. Because if you're this willing to quit after such effort on a minor thing like this, then just how many jobs have you quit 'just because', when most jobs are harder to maintain than simply writing a fan work, non profit story?
Guest chapter 17 . 2/12/2017
Uh, dude... I just saw you replying to Dogbert's Mork ripoff. You've completely ignored you're own work for nearing two years, and just demonstrated you've got enough money to maintain a data plan, at minimum, for your iphone. So why the he ll are we getting ignored just because you felt like dropping any pretense at trying? Yes, yes, I'm well aware that you didn't sign any legally binding contract. What you failed to take into account, was that by posting more than one work of a series you legally opened yourself to criticism about your work so long as we don't actively stalk/harass you into continuing. So, no, you don't have a legal ground by which to tell any reader that asks for you to continue, on even a regular and frequent basis, to stop and desist. That's only available if there is a threat to your person, or relations.

Me, I'm just nagging at you for obviously disrespecting your fans/reader base so blatantly. Yes, I am being disrespectful, in response to your disrespect. But it doesn't cross any legal lines, so~ tough sh it. Now that you've demonstrated that you can, and are able to continue your work, and you've just decided not to. As long as I don't impact your health, or ability to maintain a job; I can, more frequently now, inquire, within reason, when you plan to update your currently abandoned work. See you next month :D
Guest chapter 17 . 12/4/2015
Wow... just... wow. I just reread this story for third time since I originally found it; and then I looked at the reviews... just... wow. Okay, so first off, don't pay any attention to what is obviously an attention seeking jerk. I'm sure there's any number of legitimate reasons that you've been unable to write more in the last eight months. You don't have any legal obligations to write, or continue writing this story. So, their... comments have no meaning other than to make you angry, or responding angrily. So, just ignore them. As for the issues of auto correct. Err, well since it was pointed out, it is now, rather obvious that the story was mostly, if not completely written on a smart/i phone. Your editing that you've gotten in has reduced most of those, and what remains isn't as jarring a disconnect when one comes across it. Obvious yes, but not badly so. The stories are still readable, and enjoyable.

So that said, take your time, figure out where you want to go with the story and the chapters, and post when you're ready to post something. IF that means you post something sooner than later, great, we'd all love to read some more. IF not... well that's up to us to deal with waiting for the next installment.
Guest chapter 17 . 11/28/2015
One Thousand One Hundred Nineteen days. Since you first published work on this story. Only seventeen chapters. On average, that's sixty seven days between any two chapters. *looks at last update date* yeah... so much for that theory. Eight months dude. If you don't have at least half of the next chapter yet, that's not real life getting in the way, that's procrastination. The only thing I can think of that might explain it otherwise, is illness, death, major/severe injury, which really is covered by illness; family related death, or illness, and/or unemployment. Given that it's rather obvious that you wrote all four of this series on your smart phone that gave you so many "da mn you auto correct" moments, it would make any English speaker leery of your mental faculties; short of not being able to pay for your phone plan, or a place to stay... the other mentioned reasons are really the only reasons I can think of that would excuse your tardiness in continuing to write either this or your other, unfinished story.

So, yeah, time to stop procrastinating, again, and start writing. 'Cause, that mob that I told where you live should be arriving any day now. I wonder if they'll actually be carrying English literature books, and laptops like I suggested; instead of pitchforks and torches? They were rather agreeable when I mentioned using coarse, thick he mp rope to tie you down with.
Netchka3 chapter 17 . 9/12/2015
More please! More please! I really, really wanna read more please! Can't wait for more chapters to be posted.
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