Reviews for The Undoing and Metamorphosis of Charles Lee Ray
KateHatsuneXD chapter 28 . 7/20/2019
I read this fic again and I do not get tired of it, it's too beautiful and it's the few things that make me cry so much. I love your fanarts CAndy, you're amazing!
katehatsuneXD chapter 28 . 6/11/2017
YaoFanDeChoco chapter 28 . 10/21/2015
Aw, that was sweet~ I loved it ! :D I enjoyed this universe that you've created, and I was very pleased to see a large part of the characters from the series ! At first, I found Chucky very OOC but then I realized that you changed the storyline for making something different so, from there, I didn't mind it anymore.
The only black point is that I was often confused during dialogues, it was hard for me to know who was talking ; same for the timeline.
But, again, I loved it (especially the latest chapters) ! :)
Guest chapter 16 . 9/21/2015
Type your review for this chapter here...
Guest chapter 28 . 1/14/2015
grimey-gal chapter 3 . 9/22/2014
For the guest who has reviewed recently:

First of all- I take no offense! I'm glad you are reading this with a good critical eye. It shows you are a great fan (of either the movie or my work, or both!). :)

However, this is such a bad fanfiction to read; it is so old and I am not as proud of it as I once was. I would suggest you read some of my later works, where my writing has improved a little, haha!
Guest chapter 14 . 9/22/2014
okay did you just repeat a few chapters into one?
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2014
I'm sorry but I have to point out that even in the first chapter you have things wrong the voodoo chant used to pass chucky's soul into the doll isn't even close to what you have put down. The chant is actually: Ade due damballa. Give me the power I beg of you. Secoise entienne mais pois de morte. Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette. Endonline pour de boisette damballa! Secoise entienne mais pois de morte. Endelieu pour de boisette damballa! If you are going to take creative license from the movie and change one of the main chants used by Chucky then you really should take mention of that. So that people are aware. Please realise I am not being mean and I only ever comment on fanfiction's I enjoy
madeline.chavez.77 chapter 28 . 9/3/2013
Yes! I finished it! This was such a marvelous and sweet story! I can't believe how happy it is! I practically cried during some of the chapters! This story was so compelling and just absolutely marvelous!
grimey-gal chapter 2 . 8/9/2013
To the other guest: GameofParanoia.

I hope you see this response to your review! AHH- it's so embarrassing, that you're reading this old thing. You are so right on the spelling and grammar. I have thought about fixing this, but I've never gotten around to doing it. *hides in shame*

I'm glad you liked it though- mistakes and all.
GameofParanoia chapter 28 . 8/9/2013
Oh my god, you have no idea how much I cried. My eyes stung so bad from crying so much and it was just so heartbreaking, but also so goddamn heartwarming. I was fuckin' torn between all the sadness and all the happy moments at the end.
You did an amazing job.
Sure, I see some spelling mistakes and this could've been written a bit better and more clearer between point of views, etc.
Either way, it is still so amazing and it's just-this is so fucking heart wrenching, you have NO idea!
I cried an ass ton.
How much is an ass ton?
I dunno, bro, depends on the ass.
Anyway, this is just so great and I KNOW I'll read this again. Continue the great work.
nightmre13 chapter 28 . 5/25/2013
You know you made me cry really hard in front of my mom and sister when I read it was really awkward to tell them why i was crying
I really loved reading thank you so much for posting it
Princess-of-Your-Doom95 chapter 28 . 8/10/2012
This was so cute! I couldn't stop for the life of me, it was that amazing!
Strangely out of all the Child's Play stories here, I like yours the most. They are all so sweet :)
grimey-gal chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
To the guest who reviewed recently:

Thank you for the review! As to your question on Chucky's voice, I'm not entirely sure myself! XD On the one hand, keeping his surly voice s nice, but on the logical side, once he became a "real boy" his real human lungs and body had not gone through puberty yet, so I would guess he would have a child's voice again.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Alright let me start off by saying this is the most original Childs Play I have ever read and I absolutely loved it, it was so cute, and I can't explain in words how much I enjoyed reading it. It was a very feel good story, and j just want to let you know I favorites it, given it has it's flaws though I still think it's flaws is what makes it unique. Really, really great job... And one curious question, did Chucky have his usual deep voice when he became a child? Or did it like transform into a young child? Cause when I was reading I like to picture the voices and scenes, sorry just wanted to know... Keep up the good work!
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