Reviews for two lost souls
ura-hd chapter 15 . 7/21/2011
Brilliant story! Very unusual and very deep.
morphine and lollipops chapter 14 . 11/20/2010
Damn. Probably some of the best H/D slash over-all-best-written thing I've read in a while. Angstt. Yum. Love Angst. I don't believe Draco is OOC, but I love him all the same. Harry, although human, is much more unclear. But the writing is beautiful and the story fantastic and I read it all in one sitting.
PiecesOfSerendipity chapter 15 . 3/26/2010
Absolutely brilliant! I don't know why you haven't gotten more reviews!

Seriously - one of the best stories written on here. It has brilliant imagery and I love you r metaphors and similes. They're the best.

This is one of those stories for people with long attention spans though because you have to read every single word and each sentence normally has some hidden meanings and layers; it's not for someone who skim reads.

I like the ending even if it was a bit sudden. I always skim-read so this story dragged on a bit for me (don't make it any less of a masterpiece though). I was just a bit like "there kissing and harry's killing draco - what Harry's doing WHAT?". I had to reread that section.

I plan to completely reread this whole story tomorrow when I'm less tired - I expect it'll make more sense then.

Zoius and the Devil chapter 15 . 3/24/2009
by the way, i really liked Auror Academy as well. and Mulligan and Mulligan are definitely my favorite characters.

Zoius and the Devil chapter 14 . 3/24/2009
i liked it. i really did. the lyrics drew me in. at first, i found your writing needlessly ostentatious and OOC, but as i continued reading, i found the characters were rather well written and the dialogue compelling. also, i found in the writing a sort of sincere effort at meaning and beauty, which i can always respect. so well done. i really did like this.
Xylia Luna Orion chapter 1 . 6/6/2008
Hi. Sorry but this isn't a proper review but I just stumbled across this story posted elsewhere on this site under the name CookieCutter and it did not appear as though the author had gotten your permission to repost your story (which is completely pointless in my opinion as you have already posted it here on and why would it need to be posted twice...strange people).

I wasn't sure if you were aware or not and if you weren't then now you are. I read the review's on the 'other' copy of this story and most of the reviewers seemed extremely annoyed at the author for copying your work and several warned 'CookieCutter' that they had to remove it unless they had your permission. I think one of the reviewers may have already reported them from what I could tell but I don't know if any action was taken. Anyway, if you ask me I sure wouldn't want to be on the recieving end of those reviewers *shudders*. They were frightening.

Well anyway, I hope you are able to sort out the problem as peacefully as possible and if not I can guarentee you shall have a lot of support from those angry reviewers if the matter escalates to a legal matter...hopefully not. Too much stress would result from that and stress is the last thing people in this world need.

Good luck in sorting out the misunderstanding...if there actually was a misunderstanding to begin with. If you have already given CookieCutter permission to repost your work though then there is no problem I suppose except all I can suggest in that situation is to ask CookieCutter to perhaps put a clearer disclaimer on their profile/copied-story - a lot of people are upset that someone would copy someone else's work like that...if that is actually the case.



Sorry for rambling...I'm extremely bored. I just had a week off from school because I was sick and in that time I managed to read all the most recommended novel-length Harry/Draco stories and am desperate for something to read. Now that I think about it I never finished reading the final instalment of 'Lightning on the Waves' series. They're really awesome and if nothing else has come out of this review at least I can provide you with a good couple of days worth of reading if you wish to commit yourself to 'Lightning on the Waves' work. I recommended them! The first in the series is called 'Saving Conner' if you wish to seek it out!

Cheers and hopefully you haven't forgotten the point behind this message due to my excessive rambling.
littlelightbulb chapter 15 . 5/4/2008
this is beautiful. i actually had difficulty understanding the whole cho-potion thing, but i think i got the gist. i think draco was most in character while talking with neville (don't remember which chapter). bravo!
Katlyn chapter 1 . 12/21/2007
I thought it was only fair to let you know that someone has uploaded this story again on They -do- credit you in the summary, but it's fairly clear that they didn't get your permission to repost. A lot of people are reading it, mistakenly thinking that she is the author. The user name is CookieCutter

I'll try putting the direct link here, but these reviews don't tend to like addresses...

w. fanfiction u / 870047 / CookieCutter
Wolf Maid chapter 10 . 11/7/2007
You are an amazing author and this story is unbelievably fantastic!
Wolf Maid chapter 5 . 10/31/2007
So I know you've posted more, but I only had time to read this much, but I felt like you still deserved a review (for now-you'll get more as I read more ;) )

So let me just say that you are amazing and this story is perfect. The language is so...well, it's just beautiful. You use words like...well, like an artist uses paint, I suppose...if you don't have anything published you should remedy that. Immediately. If you do, you should tell me so I can go out today and buy it! Wish I had more time but I'll read some more soon!
Dreamer Of Dragons chapter 15 . 10/30/2007
This is such an amazing story! So sad, but wicked good!
Vicki chapter 15 . 10/19/2007
This is a marvelous story, and I'm so glad I read it. But I thought you might like to know that someone going by CookieCutter is reposting this, although she does give you credit in the summary. As I saw no indication that you had given her permission for this (and cannot imagine you would as it's still up here), I thought you might like to know. She's been reported for abuse by me and others, but since she had done the same thing yesterday and put both stories she stole back up today under a new name, I hold little hope for a quick resolution.
Starongie chapter 15 . 9/16/2007
No. No. No. I will not review. I have no words left for it. (And yes, I ADORE the ending) because, yes, you made it fit, and made me huddle underneath the blankets and mention your amazing fic nearly everywhere while I was reading it. This style, I loved it, fucking amazing, lyrical, with quotes that I kept saving up on my document because they were so goddamn beautiful. For the fact that I NEEDED to cry at the ending, because I was having trouble breathing and needed the tears to fall. Because it was beautiful, because I could understand the whole problem with your cages and everything. For the fact that there were one or two lines that made me want to laugh but felt bad afterward, because the fic seemed to serious for me to laugh at your favorite line in it.

-Yes. This is me not reviewing.

Oh. And I hate you for deleting your livejournal.

You could have left us stalkers that to skim through! -whines-

l-Lyla-l chapter 15 . 12/16/2006
I can't find the right words to express, what I think about your bittersweet FF, because my english skills are too small for that *sigh*

I only can tell you:

This Story is awesome.

It really made me cry...
letters to Kaiden chapter 15 . 11/7/2006
I have to say that I love this story- the imagery, the character development- it just blew me away. The end, while sad, was a powerful and entirely appropriate conclusion- really the only appropriate conclusion. Just thought you should know that this rocks. :)
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