Reviews for Summer Wine
keemew2 chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
I'm too lzy to sign in. :P
I'm glad I chose this as the first Smurfs fic to read. I remember Gerard from the cartoon and I remember liking him and wishing he was in it more. IS it safe to assume the hooded stranger is Gerard? I would like to say it's not predictable, but I am very Genre Savvy and pretty much assumed it from the start, but I am not always right. I hope it's Gerard, all the same. I love him. I'm glad I found that Smurfs adn the MAgic Flute movie on Netflix today, I never woulda looked smurfs fanficiton up without being inspired by that.
Sorry, I'm kinda rambling, huh?
(takes a deep breath)
Okay. Here's a more proper review. I like the flow of the story, Marian is interesting and well written. I like the general premise, but I have a deep irritation towards her father for not explaining things to her. I mean, what is the purpose of the visit? Nothing is explained outright adn the least the father could do is give a reason for the visit, whether it be for an arrange marriage or it is, is he planning on telling her soon, or is he gonna spring it on her the moment she meets the guy? I like that Marian has an assumation of the reason being marriage, but her father is being an idiot.
And if that is Gerard, what on earth is he doing? And how old is he supposed ot be? I remember him being a child King, but I don't remember exactly how old he was.
I like your writing style, it's fluid and blends together well. I like the real world references and I like how you give the horses a clear distinction on breed. Not many people know the difference between horses enough to give a proper description and usually got with 'a large black horse' or 'a small white horse' and base descriptions like that. Are you a horse lover or you just do the research? I love it when poeple do proper research before they write and this really shows that you did yours.
I just realized something. The description said this was a oneshot. So then, that must have been Gerard. Adn now I am dissapointed. I don't get to read any updates to this. THat is sad. You set up a pretty picture and there's no fallow through. If you're gonna do this as a oneshot then there needs to be another scene, because it leaves the reader very unsatisfied. At least, for me it did, anyway. Please either makes this a full story or at least a two shot. I would be very much obliged if you did.
Sorry if my review was too long, I tend to ramble.
Zinka17 chapter 1 . 3/13/2012
What a cute story! There aren't many stories on here about King Gerard. I'm glad that you're so fond of him. I'll have to check out your other stories soon. :)
sasami2002 chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
Such a sweet little story between King Gerard and Marian. Glad to see that he has taken quite a liking to her :)I think she will be good for him.
dolphinrain chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
Yahoo! A story with King Gerard! And it looks like a good one, too. Thank you, thank you. I can't wait for more!
Fan de Basil de Baker Street chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
awwwww lovely!
flowerpower71 chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
Aw! Cute little oneshot! :D I like Marian. She seems like a cool oc.