Reviews for 238
IgglyPiggly chapter 1 . 11/11/2019
shippingwarofanime chapter 1 . 12/26/2017
Whoever didn't cry is soulless. This was one of the most beautiful heart wrenching, emotional fan fictions I've ever read, and would like to thank you for writing this amazing story that brought tears to my eyes. The moment I read that Alfred was going to have to Bord another plane to make it back home to his husband and son there was a sense of dread remembrance with the fact that you wrote the whole story as if the reader was in some way involved in the making even thought it was being told through Arthur's prospective.
Again thank you
Guest chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
You just killed me... I knew it was going to be dark but the happy part of me was just like "it'll be so sweet that it will bring you to tears. The other side of me was like "it's the fucking Hetalia fandom, what do you expect."
AA Addict chapter 1 . 4/1/2017
...I cried.
As in, Arthur-right-before-he-went-to-England hard.
I was expecting a freakin' happy ending, but nooooo, instead I get Alfred freakin' dying and a funeral and *cries some more*

...Brilliant fanfic, I guess... I don't really cry at stuff... Kudos.
DarkLeader16 chapter 1 . 10/10/2016
U piece of... I hate y-y-you
decoris chapter 1 . 7/8/2016
Fuck. I knew it. I KNEW IT. Because nothing can be happy in the fanfiction world. NOOOOO, Alfred just HAD to go die when I was actually starting to like this and get emotionally involved.

Fuck you author. Fuck you TT~TT

OH, but the RusCan though. I can never find any RusCan and USUK fanfiction in the same plot, so that was a very lovely surprise. Matthew was snarky in this one. I liked it.
ascendedlight chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
so funny at the start but the end omfg whyyyyy HOW DARE U *cries* I am hanging on the hope that Alfred's still alive
crazypastrygirl chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
The feels...
I literally had to stop reading this for a couple of second because I started to cry (like a wuss)...
Anyway I think that Alfread is not dead but stuck somewhere...
I hope you continue to write more awesome stories!
ChaelRi Reika chapter 1 . 2/10/2016
*ugly crying* nnnooooooo...
This is so awesome but so sad ugh!
Is Alfred alive? Seriously. He did see his lucky number and his body wasn't found. If he is make a continuation please.
Diaflower chapter 1 . 12/17/2015
Why must you do this to me? Wait. There's like an almost impossible chance that Alfred survived... I hope he did...
Maderin chapter 1 . 6/18/2015
WHY YOU CRUEL SICK BASTARD WHY you wernt kidding when you said this is not the put-you-to-sleep kind of story. I teared up so many times during this. THE FEELS MAN THEFEELS IMMA GONNA CRY. What sucks is its 3am and im so not going to sleep after that. BUT IT WAS BEAUTIFUL SO BEAUTIFUL YOU NEED TO MAKE THIS A MO V IE.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
The only thing that really bugs me with this fix is the formatting. A lot of the paragraphs carry on weirdly, and it's sorta hard to read. Other than that, :'(. Fuck, I saw something bad happening to Alfred while he was in Canada, but on the plane coming home? *cries*
hikikomori-kuma chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
The feeling that you voice acted the part Arthur said in the funeral. I'm totally crying to this! TT;;TT
deleted123456 chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
I knew someone would die, and I guessed it was either Peter or Alfred since Arthur was narrating... and as soon as big buildings and planes started being mentioned I presumed Alfred would be involved in some kind of aerial terrorist attack... looks like I was only half right. Still, this was saddening.
jennyVDL93 chapter 1 . 2/27/2015
I'm not sure whether I should applaud you for the good story or kill you for the overwhelming emotion of pain you deliver to me!
I love it, thank you.
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