Reviews for Beginner's Luck
CarpeDiemEveryday chapter 1 . 3/6/2012
[Ninetails and vulpix rested in the clearing]

It's actually ninetales. Counterintuitive, yes, but would it be pokemon if it wasn't?

Also, just something that struck me as odd. You say that Jessie comes out of the shower in lingerie. I don't really think that's quite the right word. I mean, it's synonymous with undergarments, but generally in more of a "I wear this to have sex" way, not a "I wear this because otherwise clothing chafes" way. The fact that she's being hugged by a man from behind over a bed serves to further confuse the issue.

But those are mere quibbles. I loved this so, so much. Your other reviewer beat me to basically all of my points. Seeing Team Rocket happily working together is so, so nice. :D eee sogood. Way to goooo!


blufair chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
Trust me, what you've written here is a heck of a lot better and more in character than the Team Rocket in the latest seasons on the show. New TR is "badass" in that they don't blast off anymore and they've gone completely cold, disinterested, and generally emotionless (I guess emotion is a sign of weakness?), but Team Rocket is _supposed_ to show emotion, and lots of it, so the whole thing is just a frustratingly out of character mess.

This fic, in contrast, nicely demonstrates that it's possible to write a successful Team Rocket without removing their personalities. They're vain; they're irritable yet optimistic; they're great friends who argue and habitually insult each other but always support each other when it counts. All of that really shines through here. Especially their friendship: The way they defend each other from others and cheer each other up is very sweet, and the "start of a beautiful relationship" conversation is a particularly great moment that really sounds like something they would say.

In their introductory episode, the Rockets really did come across as pretty successful and confident. Like their life of crime had been going very well, and they expected it to stay that way. And stealing Pikachu would be a piece of cake, and once they'd done that they could go back to being super stars. This fic fits very well with that, and with the way they change afterwards. I like the description of how it all goes downhill, and suddenly the twerps start showing up absolutely everywhere to stop them, even when they're just trying to sneak into a movie.

The ending is great, and kind of touching. I really like the "just wait until everyone else's beginner's luck runs out" line. It's actually inspiring, in an odd way.