Reviews for Friends with Benefits
bookwormultimate chapter 10 . 7/5
Absolutely adoring this!
cassiejones07 chapter 10 . 5/27
I hope all is well with you and your safe during this covid-19 pandemic. Your stories are interesting and I would very much enjoy if you could update your open stories.
cassiejones07 chapter 10 . 3/5
give played on Amazing footwork and I remain at the story she could send you it don't be discouraged by lack of finders you should write to write but that being said please come back and continue this interesting story I like the universe your building I'd love to see where it goes.
cassiejones07 chapter 9 . 3/5
taking me two days to get this far. now I have one more chapter left please go back and finish all of yours no worries I like the way this is headed don't stop I hope everything is good with you. I recently discovered this fendom like a couple months ago.
cassiejones07 chapter 4 . 3/4
I just discovered the story it's awesome please finish all of your store! I hope all is well with you
Ad'ams-48 chapter 8 . 6/13/2019
This story is amazing! Please please update soon again. You are an amazing writer. Everything flows well together you made Jim and Bones such a perfect pair in parents for Johanna that I wish there were more stories like this.
Ad'ams-48 chapter 9 . 12/14/2018
This story is amazing! Please please update soon again. You are an amazing writer. Everything flows well together you made Jim and Bones such a perfect pair in parents for Johanna that I wish there were more stories like this.
Ad'ams-48 chapter 10 . 4/7/2018
I love it I hope you update soon because I keep reading it over and over again because it's just that good. Your an amazing writer and you should probably pursue this as a career or a side job to make a little extra money because that's how good you are.
ToshimiOkami chapter 10 . 2/15/2018
This fic is freaking amazing~! I can't wait to read more~
NoVacancyMind chapter 10 . 11/11/2017
Mmmm love ur Jim and Bones interactions!
maipigen chapter 10 . 6/26/2017
Oh well...there went my day...sigh. I have so many questions. What about Florence, who was she in her male life, did she know Kirk and recognize her from Tarsus IV or what? What about the doozy mayor and son? And Dixie, will she get anymore sxreentime seeing as she was so lovable and got her baby killed by her dad...horrible man.
And will Bones get Jim to Marry him? Also, big heavily pregnant Jim would be fun to see and Spock and her's friendship is already starting and I love that. At irst I didn't like Uhura and mostly I find in fanic she's either a good friend or an uber bitch here she started of as the latter but now has the potential for the former.
Now I read your last AN where you justly complained about lack of reviews, I wish I could review one chapter more than once, but I sadly I cant. I just hope that if you're ever seeing this then you'll feel so overcome with guilt and compassion for my plight and hurry on writing more 'cause I LOVE this. My God it is my favorite Bones/Jim story ever and in the top 5 of Best ever Star Trek fanfic I've ever read and believe you me, there's been a lot more than five in total.
Oh, well...I guess this is it then. Thanks for what you've shared so far. I only wish it had been completed and not hiatus'ed and/or abondoned( please no!).
Thanks for being awesomely talented! That kitchen scene where they first had sex still makes me giggle with admiration :D
Oh, and one last thing...PLEASE COME BACKKKKKK!
maipigen chapter 9 . 6/26/2017
Oh I'm just adoring little Joanna- Glad to see that Jocelyn isn't a complete bitch in this story, seemingly grasping the importance of Joanna feeling included in her daddy's new family. Interesting if you had planned for Gary Mitchell to still meet up with Jim and Bones on the Enterprise. I think I thought that he was Cupcake in the reboot movie ,but I guess I'm wrong. Oh well, I am not a pure ST fan as my interest only caught on because of the reboot (and Karl Urban cough cough, he was fine in those cadet uniforms, am I right?).
Now only one chappie left and I'm so sad...sigh...
maipigen chapter 8 . 6/26/2017
For some reason I imagined the scene in Vampire Diaries where Damon dances with Elena. The sizzling chemistry that just oozed off the screen and then substituted Damon with Karl U. and sigh...yum yum.
Great job...sigh, I'm getting closer to the end...Are you absolutely sure you're not gonna return to this MAGNIFICENT story of yours? Please, unlike James I ain't too proud to beg.
maipigen chapter 7 . 6/25/2017
Honestly, I dreamt about this and needed a little fix I'm not religious, but respect the way you did the whole praying and church thing here. I take it, you are ?
Anyway, I loved the end, fortunately they managed to both see some sense.
Now I'm off to the doctor myself but I'll be returning shortly and eagerly even though I'm petrified about the end...
Also, Poor Clay and Dixie :(
maipigen chapter 6 . 6/25/2017
OkayI need to tell you how obsessed I am with this story and those ten chapters you still need to post. I say ten 'cause I googled you and found your lj and it said on there that there's supposed to be twenty chapters. Then I thought, maybe this amazingly talented writer has died. It is something that happens sadly and then through your lj I found your tumblr and noticed that you'd posted as reasontly as the 24th of june and as such I know you're not dead (congrats! and welcome sweet relief). Then I got real sad 'cause that kinda proves that you're not writing anymore and that is truly heartbreaking as you're incredibly talented. Please, for me and those readers that have been waiting for years! post more or at the very least a concluding chapter with an outline about what you thought you wanted to have happen and how the story ends. Please and thank you. I doubt you'll do anything, seeing as I've read some of the other pleading reviews this masterpiece has received and it doesn't seem to have made a difference. I just hope for the best...If nothing else, I'd like to thank you for this much at least. Now I can only hope it doesn't end on a mean ass cliffhanger...
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