Reviews for Wind Over Tide
namisnakama chapter 16 . 10/19/2017
that was a beautiful story! I loved the conflict between the two and how they resolved it in the end! not your typical love story
Aramary chapter 16 . 7/30/2017
Wow... this was really good. Amazing... I love the characters, their interactions and relationship and the setting so detailed that I feel as though I'm really there. Thank you.
Greening chapter 16 . 10/17/2014
I'm not sure what happened in the epilogue, but still wow.

Muse - Undisclosed Desires
Thousand Foot Krutch - Be Somebody

I never paid close attention to the lyrics, but there were some verses that stood out to me... ("You trick your lovers/ That you're wicked and divine/ You may be a sinner/ But your innocence is mine" and pretty much all of the second song.)

Anyway, if you have the time I'd love if you dropped me a PM or something - I'm not logged in right now but my username is Greening... :)
one123 chapter 16 . 6/2/2014
what its already over nothing happened though the whole story felt like a prequel it was wonderfully written though XD so I didn't even review the previous chapters I read the whole story today also I would like to thank you
swallowinthetwilight chapter 16 . 2/13/2014
I've read this but never reviewed! It was (another) very unusual but intriguing fic, I've never seen anything like it, and again I loved how you characterized the characters and had Itachi's and Shisui's relationship develop. Also the new 'world'/setting that you created. I can't remember too many highlights since it's been a while since I've read this, but I do remember that moment in this this last chapter where Fugaku looks at Itachi and feels afraid. Since you know/assume the massacre is coming, that line had such a touch of foreboding. And it also made Shisui's decision to come back at the very end extremely conflicting. Sort of like "Fiddler on the Roof" where the viewer KNOWS that the characters are heading into what will soon be Nazi-occupied Europe, 'ruining' what might otherwise be a neutral or even slightly uplifting ending. Other memorable moments are when Shisui blew a raspberry on Itachi and humiliated him in front of Kakashi, and Shisui's botched kiss (in terms of the emotional release and conflict). I'm sorry I can't say more, but thanks for writing!
Coshaidamarsuntsu chapter 16 . 10/13/2013
This fic was great. I love how you create such complex characters and relationships, and how they change over time.

If you're still looking for song recs, I tend to associate the song "Turpentine" by Vandaveer with the Shisui in this fic.
inscape.peril chapter 16 . 9/23/2013
"Let her go" Passenger
teary eyed chapter 16 . 9/23/2013
I can't believe it's over. The ending killed me but it was the perfect way to end it. I hope that you'll write more ShiIta fics and I look forward to reading snippets and drabbles from this verse! I l think that I would associate Sabotage with Shisui, Skinny Love by Birdy and Youth by Daughter for the overall fic.
shisui-kun chapter 16 . 9/23/2013
Oh my god. After all this time it's finally over and I don't even have the words to express how much I loved this. Just trust me when I say that I'm bawling my eyes out. The ending makes me feel like I've just been fed my heart and oh god that snippet of them being together and just.. Thank you for sharing this with us. I hope that you'll continue to write more Shisui and Itachi fics because I need more delicious angst. I hope to see snippets and drabbles of this verse up on your A03.

Song that I associate with this fic are Landfill and Smother by Daughter.
LOVED IT chapter 16 . 9/22/2013
Thanks for the wonderful story! Few fanfics on this site are as cohesive and well thought out as this one. I hope you will continue to write stories with Itachi and Shisui, cause I certainly will read them, along with any other fics you might write! As for what songs I associate with this.. I might not be a fan of them, but I immediately thought of the band Fishbone after reading chapter 1.
itanejiluver chapter 16 . 9/21/2013
WOW! *squee* This was an incredible end to an incredible fic and I loved loved loved it. The end was sad, but I'm almost glad that it ended the way it did, because any other ending would just have been wrong. I'm glad that they could both acknowledge each other's hearts even for a little while, and I appreciated the little snippet at the end with that one loving memory between the two of them. I am crying my eyes out but this whole ride has just been absolutely fabulous and I look forward to more works from you :)
A song that fits this fic: "Come Home" by OneRepublic
Really fantastic work!
itanejiluver chapter 15 . 8/13/2013
Oh no! I'm glad that Itachi could make it in time for Shisui, but then not so glad that he got stabbed...I hope that Kakashi can rescue them before its too late!
Also, the ending has me a little nervous there...can't wait to see what exactly Shisui means by that.
I'm also glad that they've kind of recognized their feelings about each other. Also, Shisui's crazed hallucinations were an interesting bit to read, and quite insightful :)
I also wanted to say that to me, this story definitely has a factor of quirkiness, but you also really know how to lay on the shcmaltz (as in this entire chapter) and I really like that mix of quirky characters, but a kind of clichéd plot line. Nice job, and I can't wait for the ending!
Megan chapter 15 . 8/12/2013
I don't even know what to do with my feelings right now. If they die I will seriously have an emotional break down; like, full-fledged icecream and sad-songs mourning mode. I'm too attached obviously. (But the sadist in me wants you to kill them because how nauseatingly screwed up would that be) and do forgive me if you've made it clear which way this is going to end. The extent of my denial is powerful.
But anyway-I've loved reading this! Every chapter delivers and I can't wait to see how you end it! Thanks so much!
not the usual baka chapter 15 . 8/10/2013
Ouch, getting stabbed like that.
This mission is not turning out well.
Well at least they did get a kiss in, even if Itachi did punch Shisui afterwards.
Whatever will happen in the epilogue? Kakashi contemplating life as a missing-nin? Itachi and Shisui getting eaten by fishes?
DreamingIn2Eternity chapter 15 . 8/10/2013
Ah! Evil cliff hanger! Please, please, PLEASE update again soon!
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