Reviews for The World Turned Upside Down
HavokQueen chapter 40 . 12/2/2017
One of the best stories I have ever read..Emotional and action packed. I love your writing style.
x2leoj chapter 17 . 4/1/2017
Damn this is some real deep sentimental shit, im feeling Magneto's pain.
zaylo267 chapter 40 . 6/2/2016
Best story ever!
Half Blood-Jedi-Warlock chapter 40 . 3/30/2015
This is one of the most well-written fanfiction stories I have ever read, across all fandoms. I have read this one and your other 2 in this series since 2013, when I first got an account. I have also read your other ones like Beauty and the Beast and Sins of the Father and the Legacy/Blood Brothers. I remember waiting on the edge of my seat for the next chapter of The World United, when you were still writing it. Your characters are very well-developed, and every chapter seems to move the story forward. I laughed and cried when the characters did because they were so relatable, and I could literally envision what was happening in my mind because your scenes and descriptions were just right. Emma's depression and insanity, Logan finding good inside himself, Creed's utter vindictiveness, Charles and Raven's protectiveness over each other, Charles/Moira (OMG I LOVE YOU FOR THAT), Rahne's insecurity and getting Moira as a mother, Erik and his friendship/broship/bromance with Charles, Neena and her need for revenge, many others I could mention... you pulled them all off effortlessly. There was no going on and on about a single character or feeling that a character experienced, but rather things were revealed as you went down the plot line. I like that because it made the story easier to digest, and you always kept the story moving forward, instead of backtracking too much or describing too much like other stories I've read. Other authors I noticed put too much description of a character or of certain emotions that the character is feeling in one place, and so further down the story line it is just the same stuff rehashed all over again. And I also like how you didn't feel the need to start out your story with developed characters and friendships. They were imperfect, hurting people who bonded out of necessity, and turned into something stronger together. Erik and Charles' friendship was rocky at first, and Logan was a killer just like his bro. But that changed over time.
And you made your characters struggle. As an author myself, you have to realize that you have to 'be mean' to your characters sometimes. You can't just let the hero get by unscathed, because then nothing happens. Jean Grey, Harry Potter, anyone?
Please write more, if you can. Haha if only this could be made into a real book series. I would totally buy it.
SapphireInTheSky824 chapter 17 . 5/10/2014
awwww this was so sad yet so fitting! you write really well! im enjoying this story immensely ;)
The Darkness Factor chapter 40 . 7/17/2013
Ashgshdhaoewihoaljaoej I love it! This story was amazing; my favorites are ones where the romance doesn't move along to quickly. The characters were realistic and I love the concept of Moira being willing to care for Rahne. To be honest, I haven't even seen First Class, but I plan to soon. I'm gonna go read the sequel right now (because who needs sleep anyway?)
littlelights chapter 40 . 6/10/2013
Loved this fic! It was great! Please write a sequel!
creativesm75 chapter 40 . 5/13/2013
Guest chapter 39 . 4/25/2013
I felt that Charles was too weak here. I do not that I'm glad they got there just in time, Raven was brilliant I liked that she had gotten a chance to "fight"
Guest chapter 32 . 4/25/2013
oh. it's like there's still a few things they haven't learnt about each other. Not that it really matters, I suppose you just don't tell people "hey, I got this step brother that tried to kill me and make my life hell", I think most would just like to pretend it never happened. This is interesting.
Guest chapter 30 . 4/24/2013
I've always felt this churning in my stomach when I saw the First class movie and all of Raven and Charles' interactions. This is another of them. I love it!
Guest chapter 25 . 4/24/2013
Haha. That was hilarious, and poor Charles. Charles is totally an old fart and a hundred other things. This Logan/Silverfox is good touch too. I like the sleepover part as well, how cute!
Guest chapter 23 . 4/24/2013
This brings be back to when Erik told Charles to hurry up a get a child. Oh my gosh. the mental cuteness.
sdksf chapter 22 . 4/24/2013
I've always loved Charles. He's such a lovable character, and this brings me back to why I've first thought that Charles Xavier was such an awesome person. I love Moira here as well, not too many show her depth. Her light perhaps but not always what's deep inside. I loooove it!
Guest chapter 21 . 4/24/2013
Squee. I resort to being a mindless fan with this. I love it!
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