Reviews for Detour
Tigrislupa chapter 1 . 3/8/2012
BAH. I should have known you'd make it Aizen. :P

Egads, what in the world did Aizen do to him. It'd be completely AU, but I could see Aizen as devious enough to give Ichigo something that takes away his ability to feel pain. Yes, he can now fight without being held back by his injuries, but now he doesn't know what's already strained and overworked until it just won't do what he asks.

On the other hand, Aizen wants a worthy opponent...ooooooooo, what if it causes Zangetsu to absorb the reiatsu of the shinigami he strikes? Ichigo would accidentally kill people and gain power and the shinigami would come after him even more for killing so many people, thus causing Ichigo to accidentally kill them and absorb more power and and...I have no idea how to resolve that.

I take that back, it would be really awesome if Ganju actually managed to save the day by disarming Ichigo after Ishida figures out what Kurosaki's doing.

I'm going to have to ponder on this more. Thanks for the fun read!
TB chapter 1 . 2/26/2012
You probably have something already in mind, considering the situation you've rendered, using that word in its most industrial sense.