Reviews for Idol
Thegr8tn8t chapter 25 . 5/27/2017
Viral was my favorite character from the show and this fic captured him so well I don't really know what to say except this is the best Gurren Lagann fanfics I've read so far, and one of the best fanfics in general I've read so far. Yeah. It's great.
Elkaline chapter 25 . 7/28/2015
I don't know exactly what it is, but the similes and metaphors that make up nearly every descriptive element in this story make it special. Maybe it's how it reads like poetry at times, without the pretentious bullshit. Maybe it's how everything is made to feel raw and bitter against itself, exactly how Viral the immortal war veteran cultural icon looks at the world. Maybe it's the hallucinations that ties the days and events together, and how they reflect his state of mind without making it blindingly obvious.

When I write anything from this day forward, this is the standard I will hold myself against. Thank you for writing this.
lazy chapter 10 . 2/26/2015
So far this is amazing and hilarious at moments. This is the good shit. The rare shit. ;)
Sir Velveteen chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
Just the first chapter, or prologue if you call it that, and I'm in love. With you're writing and importantly the portrayal of Viral. It flows wonderfully from thought to thought and to the next idea in the line up. Like something finely hand crafted then carefully chiseled away to show the faintest set of leafing to be lined delcatly with gold trim. I do hope the rest of this is that gold trimming as I look forward to reading the rest that is posted. - Aki
Alexandra Penelope Edwards chapter 25 . 10/13/2014
I started this story on a whim and found myself unable to stop, even when my eyes started to water and my butt went numb. I don't know what else to say except that you, my friend, have some serious motherf***ing talent. Bravo. Sure there were a few typos, but who gives a crap? I don't think I've ever read anything quite like this. Again, bravo (or brava, whichever you prefer).

Best of luck!
TheRedNinja22 chapter 25 . 8/6/2014
Wow. This entire story was so concentrated and beautiful, with every single sentence and phrase working together to make this beautiful atmosphere. The writing style requires the reader to be engaged and thinking to know what's happening, rather than just being fed a story sentence by sentence. Those short, effective sentences, the unique metaphors, the description- *kisses fingers and tosses away like an Italian chef* PERFECT! You've reduced down everything to a spare but richly detailed style, one that I would really like to master. PleasepleasepleasePLEASE continue writing, 'cuz this. Is. Awesome.
ahwau chapter 25 . 3/18/2014
beautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulbeautifulBEAUTIFUL YOU LOVELY AUTHOR.
RyokoSon chapter 25 . 8/29/2013
I just love how this was written. It's just so absorbing to read. It's really got it's own voice, contrasting against so many other stories I've read. And that's good. It's original. I just love it. It's... Fucking awesome. Brilliantly written, with so many unique details and descriptions. You really can't go wrong with this story. It's fucking amazing. And it's going on my short list of favorite stories on this site. That's how good this is.
Granted, I probably should have some sort of criticism in here to show my support in your writing to help improve you as a writer, because, hell, all writers can use some improvement in some fashion or another. But, I say, fuck it. I don't want to and it's just awesome... I might give it at a later time, if I see any need to actually give criticism to this story.

Anon chapter 25 . 5/26/2013
I... am actually really impressed with this, it was great. There were minor typos but who cares? I liked the personality of the story and enjoyed reading that handful of a new character. Read the whole thing in one sitting.
Thebrotherofmany chapter 25 . 2/3/2013
This made me laugh. This made me cry. This is one of the best stories I've ever read. And believe me when I say I read more than poupon.
Hinta chapter 25 . 7/6/2012
awe such a sweet ending _.i loved your story completely,it was so sweet and did a awesome job my friend _.
Hinta chapter 22 . 7/1/2012
wow what a sad chapter,poor Viral having to see his greatest rival and friend die.I'm glad Poupon was there to help him it was loved the chapter and can't wait for the next up the awesome work Nya _.
Hinta chapter 21 . 6/24/2012
wow awesome chapter I really love this story and am always excited when a new chapter is added _.i can't wait to read the next chapter so keep up the awesome work Nya _.
Hinta chapter 19 . 6/9/2012
hey I've read every chapter so far and i love your story _.i can't wait for you to update so i can read more so keep up the great work Nya _.
BloodBoredom chapter 12 . 5/5/2012
Great story...

Really makes you think of how increasingly depressing Viral's immortality and fantasy family get with age. Why didn't Lordgenome leave any notes?
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