Reviews for The Elliptical Threads
Mario D Chpt65 chapter 65 . 6/23
WOW This story was amazing. I had finished reading Broken Threads and Tensor had recommended reading this story as his was a prequel to Elliptical Threads. This was the most emotional, heartwarming and endearing story about Penny and Leonard I have ever read. It was so good to read a story about them without the angst, arguments, non-communication or snarkiness that entails many of their stories on the show or in fan fiction. Also, the way you brought them together after so many years and the twist of Leonard being a widower with a little girl and Penny being successful as an actress and the longing they have for each other. I must say that some scenes even had me getting choked up due to the emotion in them. It was beautifully written and once again ...Bravo!
Harakan chapter 30 . 9/12/2019
Well I actually would like to see Priya just to make it story little more spicy.
Harakan chapter 25 . 9/12/2019
Yeah its really to perfect I expected some fights between them to spice the story.
Warriorcreed chapter 65 . 4/4/2019
This story was amazing, I so enjoyed it, you have a real writing talent to produce such a good story. This story really had me from the beginning when Penny showed up at Leonard’s door , her seeking him out in the beginning was a huge attraction for me because is showed a Penny that knew what she wanted and what she wanted was Leonard. It was actually nice to read about them a little more mature and comfortable in their lives, it made it seem more realistic that they could devote so much more time to each other. Also, Leonard already having a daughter really added to the story
ReallyNotABot chapter 6 . 5/29/2018
I'm quite sure someone said it before but I didn't find it yet and I really don't want to read all the comments, so: The German is partially wrong:
Lisel's grandmother doesn't say "merken Sie sich Ihre Manieren" to her granddaughter, "Sie" and "Ihre" is said to adults you don't know very well, almost never to children, relatives and close friends. She would rather say "Merk dir deine Manieren" or just "Benimm dich".
I would translate Horst's "glad you found her" with "Gut, dass du sie gefunden hast", otherwise it would be wrong grammar and kind of wrong tense.
One last criticism: Please stop picking on the Germans (or Swiss people) and their oh so heavy accent! There are Germans who speak English pretty well (not me, but they exist)!
Apart from that, I love your story. It's so sad :/ and beautiful at the same time. I am happy to read all the other chapters.
Buddy0192 chapter 17 . 3/8/2017
Can't help but wonder how many people have
Been telling you that the song is referred to as "Soft Kitty"
Buddy0192 chapter 10 . 3/7/2017
The "Mr Penelope Jensen " line was so great I could hardly stand it.
Buddy0192 chapter 8 . 3/5/2017
Having nevery been in this sitch, I would venture a guess that after 12 happy/sad, bad gruelling years apart, the last thing that comes to mind the first time back together IA oh, gee I gotta go to the store and get condoms. Neither has been sexually active for a while and wouldn't be packing, and if truth be told if they did think about it they probably didn't care. Certain situations you do what you gotta do and deal later.
Platinum Blondie chapter 65 . 1/7/2017
Absolutely brilliant story. I binge read it over the last 12 hours. Great characterisations, funny, emotional, just great
Buddy5647 chapter 1 . 11/18/2016
This is an epic work! I have read it all. I am now reading your first posted to last, as it's becoming tedious to go through the TBBT archive as it is packed with shenny. I don't see the appeal and have yet to make it to the end of any.
Buddy5647 chapter 25 . 11/9/2016
This is great. A nice, soft, quiet bridge between the savage emotionality of the letter chapter and the big scene of Penny meets her new daughter. By the way, I am anxious to see the letter from Lisa to Penny. Very good chapter.
Buddy5647 chapter 24 . 11/9/2016
OMG, you've been reading my letters! I have 2 such letters. I treasure them greatly and read them now and again, when I need a boost or get lonely for them. I read 4 fandoms, TBBT, NCIS, Lois& Clark, and Kim Possible. In none of them have I seen a piece so insightful, and beautifully written as The Letter. I have seen nothing on this site so simultaneously heartwarming yet heartbreaking at the same time. It brought me to tears, to the point that the students in my class were worried about me, so much so that one of them went to get the pastor out what was wrong. I can't express my gratitude and admiration enough. Thank you for sharing you thoughts, insights and (considerable) talent. Buddy
Buddy5647 chapter 5 . 11/9/2016
Wanted to get started a little, see how it would go. So far, a huge success. Very nice, very emotional. I'm a big softy, so I'm an easy target, and I got two chokeups, and 4 full tears. Gonna be a total mess pretty soon. Very well done!
bamadude chapter 65 . 5/1/2016
Looking back, I noticed that I have never reviewed a single chapter. I absolutely regret that absence and I am truly sorry. I will not try to review each chapter, but give you one for the whole story is a marvelous example of how a story should be written. I have read countless stories and this is quite honestly one of, if not the best. You start off with them reconnecting after 12 years. Then through out the story, what occurred during their separation. You have perfectly conveyed Leonard's pain and suffering in losing his wife to cancer, as well as, his joy and love for his daughter. His love for Penny, as her love for him, has never ended. Their love for each other only grew stronger. I could go on and on, but I would probably bore you. Be that as it may, I have read this story several times and I've truly enjoyed it every time. Thank you for such great stories to read,
allanjay chapter 65 . 2/3/2016
I know it’s been years since you wrote it, but I am a newcomer to TBBT fanfiction (reading and writing) and just read Elliptical Threads and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. It was engrossing and touching – especially the treatment of the heartbreak of the 12 years apart. Elliptical – but not hyperbolic! Excellent work, and I look forward to reading more.
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