Reviews for Words
planet p chapter 1 . 4/15/2009
This was very sad, but somehow hopeful too. I didn’t understand everything - I’ve only seen the movie, I haven’t read any of the books - but it wasn’t that hard to get the grasp of what had happened.

Have a good day!
JoyGreenLeaf chapter 1 . 8/23/2002
Wow... That's awesome. I really like your style and am gonna read your other K-PAX fic now. Keep writing! )
Lidia chapter 1 . 5/24/2002
Nice prospect and point of view, I really enjoyed it. Your writing style is above and beyond. Hopefully I'll see more of you! Please continye.

Lidia Vans
Bridget chapter 1 . 5/21/2002
This was a lovelly story. It kind of put a tear in my eyes. The happy kind, of course. Good work!
CRAZYCLPOTTER chapter 1 . 5/20/2002
This is so long! I'll read the rest at home.

Promise! :-) Even though I do not know what on earth this story is about but it's still really good because it's bound to be - I mean all your stuff is good isn't it?