Reviews for The Red Calm
Hadrian Eveningshade chapter 1 . 2/23
Sound promising.. But its not finish.. Fck.. Dissapointing.. Are you still alive?
Arrexu chapter 10 . 5/24/2018
I fucking love this!. I don't know whether haku's alive or not but it's tantalising asf!
A'Du Shayeon chapter 1 . 10/22/2017
incomplete again! the fuck
Sovereign49 chapter 16 . 6/7/2017
In my opinion a very intriguing and unique story. Shame that it was abandoned, would have looked forward to how all this pans out
ReversedAngel chapter 1 . 4/6/2017
How does this only have 86 reviews?
ReversedAngel chapter 2 . 4/5/2017
I cried while reading this chapter!
NatNicole chapter 1 . 12/26/2016
Whoa... *grins Naruto-style* This. Is. Simply. AMAZING!
dontusethissiteanymore chapter 15 . 12/4/2016
This, this is dark. However, as sad as it is it's a great story, and I think you're great writer because of it.
nova chapter 5 . 12/3/2016
full of anger and hatred all directed to naruto but then it is only a fiction.
nova chapter 4 . 12/3/2016
man you real are a sad soul to love and bask in melancholy and sadness such as this. i dont usually get sentimental about fanfic but your just dish out more miserableness and sadness for naruto than the actual movie.
NXSE chapter 16 . 6/22/2016
Great Story, one of the few strategic and political stories that managed to capture me. As a fellow author I appreciate the amount of skills you must have put in. A shame really that the reviews and favs are so less, the story deserves far more even if it was incomplete and left abruptly.
Marching Madly Onward chapter 9 . 1/22/2016
I have to give you kudos for an incredible first chapter.

The conclusion of the Pain arc was a huge slap in the face for the audience and the characters to see all that sacrifice and all that tension bled away on a bunch of sentimentality that didn't suit Pain at all. So not only did you pick up and fix what was broken, you moved ahead with some absolutely fantastic imagery of the dying leaf and the forests and the mountains they could be. It could have easily become a tortured comparison, but you pulled it off beautifully.

I was really liking it right up until you cheated out Haku's death, which goes against the spirit of this story, and then you turned him into a girl for no good reason. You dropped the ball there.


Oh well, at least the first chapter was beautiful.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/21/2015
Depressing shit...
NecromanticHarbinger chapter 15 . 3/7/2015
Definitely loved this story. It's an interesting take on a universe I've already devoted so much time to. It's unique and original, and beautifully sculpted, and I am very sad to see it is no longer updated. Here's to hoping you continue that redraft you promised.

I too fear Haku is just a figment of his imagination - a conjuring of his subconscious. Some clues do point to this, after all. I love the usage of Yagura as a character, and the unique characterisation and representation of Mei. I do find myself wondering, however, if Danzo Kotoamatsukami'd Onoki, and that was what started it. Similarly, I wonder if Sai betrayed Anko to Kabuto on Danzo's orders, after a nice little round of re-brainwashing. And maybe even Neji, being subverted to Danzo's will just as his uncle was.

And Tsunade... I get the feeling that you're leading us on, making us think she may not be dead but she actually is. I can't see any other alternatives here.
NecromanticHarbinger chapter 12 . 2/27/2015
Yagura! YUS!

And your portrayal of the biju/jinchuriki is utterly unique and beautiful. I love it. And if I wasn't so scared of the fans turning against me, I might even take the idea for myself.
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