Reviews for In The Beginning
ElevatedSuperstar chapter 6 . 6/10/2012
Ah, so wonderful! I'm going to first say i am SO SORRY I never posted my review!

First off, I loved it so much! PreBTR ADORABLE!

And I like how you made it where they all had a past that made them perfectly compatible friends!

Mr. Garcia... DA BOMB! I love how you wrote him, so great! He cracked me up!

But Logie "/ POOR LOGAN! I wanted to hug him the whole time, but he got three best friends, so that was happy :D

And I loved the ending so so so much! Of course I loved how James said 'This is nice.' And how they agreed that they were brothers! *wipes away tear* I LOVE YOUR STORIES SO MUCH!
xomich16xo chapter 6 . 4/13/2012
This story is really really should do a sequel! xD
ichangededmynamee chapter 6 . 2/25/2012
What about Logan? Is he gonna stop being abused?
crazyforkogan chapter 1 . 2/10/2012
Aww! That's so cute! Kendall's all excited because he gets to skate, and Katie is all small! Loved that! It was so cute! I wonder who the other boy is... I bet it's Logan! :)

~ BigTimeRush-BTR