Reviews for Set Free
curi1986 chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
y la 2 parte
Guest chapter 3 . 2/26/2019
No matter how you try to explain it Kushina is still a selfish mother. In poverty or not.
KURAMAX chapter 11 . 2/16/2018
Ha! I think now i get it what's naruto mean with "reversed roles" between him & sasuke in canon! Althought it wasn't completely,but still...naruto became an avenger & get locked into jail & then sasuke was there to break him freejust like what exactly naruto did to sasuke in canon after the war! & How about kushina? He told her he will get her soon but u said he will have a happy life after that which he didn't leave sasuke & others at all! & it sounds more like he just abandon kushina...WTF?!XDXDXD
sean1238 chapter 11 . 11/27/2017
I know this is an old fic but i read it for the first time awhile ago so ha! But I only read to chapter 8 because I thought the rest would be about sasuke and naruto but fuck that was awesome! I wish I'd read the whole thing sooner you are amazing
Ellasauras chapter 11 . 11/23/2017
I didn't see that ending coming but I fucking love it. This has made me so fucking frustrated, every time Naruto would have accomplished something and Kyuubi would be there to destroy everything good for him, I would feel my blood just heat up oh man this was a wonder read.
aniellet chapter 11 . 5/6/2016
thanks for this story!
Miss Light Bright chapter 1 . 4/16/2016
you know, I still think about this story a lot ever since you finished it! I just found it again, so I will read it again!
HayaoFire chapter 11 . 2/19/2016
Hey ! This story was interesting, quite dark, but it's not the first time I read something dark haha I still wonder if I read too fast or if you didn't say what happens to Kushina in the end ? I kinda like the open ending, but I might check the sequel if it's complete too because, who know, this sounds crazy Naruto would live like a fugitive. He messed up enough already not to go into worse xD I wanted him to rock algebra and go on to college after prison and everything that goes with a happy ending. Oh well ! Thanks for sharing your story ;)
lonelylulaby chapter 11 . 1/25/2016
Suigetsu broke my heart, I feel just as betrayed as Naruto. I know there are consequences for actions but COME ON! Kyuubi totally deserved to be wiped off the face of the earth. I am really in denial right now, Naruto can't be in jail, he's just too smart and all that potential! Just UGH! I'm glad Sasuke is going to break the dobe out of prison somehow someway. A life on the run is kinda romantic, and they have enough money to hide away in another island or country. Even if you leave it like this it would be fine it's not really open ended, it's really a fantastic ending if I do say so myself. If you did post a sequel I will read it and if not, well then I'll just browse through your other collections.

ja ne
lonelylulaby chapter 9 . 1/25/2016
WTF? how did that man get out of jail, this is ridiculous. When somethings too good to be true it usually is. SMDH
lonelylulaby chapter 5 . 1/24/2016
Lol, Naruto in a new school is hilarious. I love the differences that you are describing between this new school and the old. Haku's funeral was sad, his death devastating. I just don't know how Sasuke is going to keep Naruto from doing something irreversible. I really enjoyed your rendition of Haku and Haku/Zab
yume76 chapter 11 . 1/24/2016
This story was quite incredibly good. Even though the ending was rather...unexpected. This is definitely a solid piece literature. I commend the author for her hard work. It is definitely a classic material.
J chapter 11 . 11/21/2015
WHAT DO YOU MEAN PEOPLE HAVEN'T BEEN SHOWING INTEREST!? THIS STORY IS FANTASTIC! I really hope you post the sequel because this was awesome to read. If you ask me, I'd say you have a gift. :)
smtaon chapter 11 . 7/5/2015
Holy shit this story is really good? I read 11 chapters in one go and one word: Mindblowing. You worded everything nicely so I get all the things Naruto went through here. Brilliant.
BeyondLight chapter 11 . 6/28/2015
This was the best NaruSasu fic I've ever read! I just really like it when naruto is all bad and yea and aaaah it's just freaking amazing naruto's so smart it makes me so damn happy! Thank you for writing this :D
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