Reviews for 10 Seconds
creativia chapter 13 . 10/10/2016
Yes, sequel with supernatural and real world elements
kintokdoji chapter 13 . 7/3/2016
I hope for a sequel, because you are an amazing author, with brilliant ideas. As for what I want to see in the sequel, I would love to see one focused on Izaya's and Mikado's relationship, and delving into plotlines that involve the darker side of Ikebukuro. I know this sounds pretty selfish, but it would be nice to see Mikado's bossy and witty side, but he doesn't have to be incredibly dark, and manipulative.

I hope my request isn't too mean of me. _
Anonymous girl chapter 1 . 11/19/2015
oooh~! I just realized something. I spelled all the names wrong! I hope I am forgiven!
Anonymous girl chapter 13 . 11/19/2015
got dammit! This was good! Everyone seems really in character, to me at least, and I LOVE how there's actually a plot. Also, you get bonus points because this isn't fluffy to the extreme. It seems real. Like these are real people with real, accurate emotions. This is the type of fanfiction I desperately search for! X3 so good job. *gives thumbs up* I really liked it.

As for a sequel, of course I would love one! As for if it should be supernatural, real life-ish, or both, I'm not entirely sure, but I'll tell you this and hopefully it'll help.

I love gritty stories that seem realistic. As in realistic character development and making characters realistically powerful or something. I don't like it when there's a super duper powerful character unless there's an actual reason for it. No, "hey everyone! I just kinda showed up and all the characters mysteriously love me and I can solve any problem and have the strength and will to do everything and um, I have no character depth! I'm just automatically the coolest person ever!" Characters. But after reading your story, I don't think you'd ever do that. You seem to be a plot master.

I also love stories that are kinda dark (I guess that goes right along with gritty lol). Maybe somebody has trauma, or somebody dies, or there's some real messed up shit happening. Messed up shit gets my attention in a "holy moly! DUUUUDE! Did that actually just happen!? I can't believe dis shit! What's gonna happen?!" Way. So maybe the real life sequel would be better? Maybe Mikato can get caught up with the yakuzas' business, and then he accidentally drags innocent people into it, which causes somebody to die, which makes Mikato think "oh shit, what have I done?" And maybe he'll regret it, but it's too late too look back now, bitches! And then of course Izya or however his name is spelled does some manipulative shit, because of course he'd do that, and it makes Mikato want to beat his brains out because sometimes, Izya is such a turd (more like all the time HUR HUUUR). And THEN, omg, then Mikato might gradually start becoming imune to people's suffering and he starts to, I don't know, loose some of his morality? Maybe he starts to get like Izya. Holy shit. I had an idea. What if Izya gets more human-like and Mikato gets more Phycopathic-god like? And Izya sees this as a major threat, but I kinda loves Mikato now (and not because he's human!). Oh mer gerd you should do it. Mostly because my writing and plot skills aren't as good as yours.

Dude. What if you've already written a sequel? I haven't checked to see if you have yet. I hope Ya do though. Because that would just be swell!

I hope you like what I've said though. Even if it's not useful at all lol. But I'm off! Gotta look to see if you have a sequel!
Law1ess chapter 13 . 11/9/2015
This is fucking amazing and I'm going to die if there isn't a sequel.
crazigurl181818 chapter 4 . 9/19/2015
Oh, and I definitely wouldn't mind a sequel. ;p I know it's hard to make long stories like these, as I've tried and mostly failed. I don't particularly care what kind of sequel it was, but based on the flow of the story, something inbetween would suffice; real world with a dash of supernatural.
crazigurl181818 chapter 13 . 9/19/2015
Ahhhh, so good. I especially like your use of language. It's been awhile since I've read a fanfiction this linguistically advanced.
JayLightnStrike chapter 13 . 7/23/2015
Yes for any kind of sequel you want to write! (Although one combining real problems and the supernatural may be the most interesting) I do of course realize that its been quite some time since the end of 10 seconds, but good writers tend to come back eventually, so I can always hope. :)
Thanks for this story and hope to see yu in another!
QueenYande chapter 12 . 5/19/2015
YES! Yes there should be a sequel! It should center around real life Situations!
QueenYande chapter 13 . 5/8/2015
Fffffffff... That ending honestly my favorite character was the Midnight Man, he was just so interesting!
OtakuGirl568 chapter 13 . 1/5/2015
This was a wonderful story! I loved the way you wrote it and how it developed. I'm sad it's over but I had fun reading it. One of my favorites 3
cute2marshmallow chapter 13 . 12/23/2014
This is the best story with that particular pairing out there that I could find and one of only two that I read, it would be really awesome if you did decide to write a sequel with a combo of both kinds of problems. You're an awesome writer and I'd love to read some more of your work!
sympatheticassassin chapter 12 . 11/18/2014
Thanks for writing this. I've only seen the anime, but I feel that you have kept the characters in character even in such an odd situation- referring to the romantic pairing, not the supernatural threat. :)
EsperSY chapter 13 . 10/12/2014
A good friend recommended me to read this fic, and since I trust her taste, I waste no time to try and read this, even if I have doubts of the dynamic between Mikado and Izaya. I was pleasantly surprised to be proven so very wrong, oh my goodness. I admire the time and research you and your lovely friend made to write this wonderful masterpiece, I have literally spent 9 hours marathoning this and I am so happy to have read such great fiction. Thank you, both of you. Never have I been blown away by such great chemistry between 2 intellectually-inclined individuals.
Still-A-Reader chapter 13 . 9/21/2014
Hello PrettyWilde,

That was a smashing good piece of fanfic! I finished all 13 chapters in one go!
Anyways, a sequel would be AWESOME! And if it was centred around a combination of the supernatural and real-world issues... that would be really cool!

I sincerely hope the pairing remains the same! The way you write how Mikado and Izaya interact with each other from the beginning... till they got into a relationship near the ending... was so good- it just fit so well! You somehow managed to make this unusual pairing work and now I'm hooked!

So yeah... a sequel... possibly centred around a combination of supernatural elements and real world issues... and Izaya x Mikado pairing... I hope it'll come one day!

But in the end... as a reader... if you are going to write a sequel anytime soon... I think the best sequel is one where the writer basically just writes it however he or she wants to... so do it your way... I don't think any reader minds.. and if you write it, I'm definitely going to give the sequel a try- regardless of what it's centred around on.

Looking forward to any future DRRR! fanfics from you!

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