Reviews for Legendary Bloodlines
Glitner chapter 1 . 8/10
wow... that was the most disgusting chapter i have ever read it was looking at a 10 year old trying to make a interesting chapter ...
koseta.a chapter 2 . 6/12
Oh jeez this is so rushed
Guest chapter 6 . 5/23
Hey, can’t you just fucking kill Sasuke and the fuckign little goat AKA The Uchiha Dicksucker?
Anon chapter 8 . 4/30
Anon chapter 7 . 4/30
It was a good fic,until the fourth wall authors that break the fourth wall,im out.
Guest chapter 8 . 4/28
Wow. The story just got stupid with naruto getting the fox chakra seal.
It could of been a little different, should of summon kurama.
Naruto even fought hiruzen won with kotoamitsukami.
Should made orochimaru naruto's bitch.
Somehow this fight made naruto stupier than 2 years ago when he fought hiruzen.
So the deal is, it was great but i wont be reading chapter 9 due to gogyo fuin.
It would of been a funny moment if naruto did a reverse gogyo fuin on pedo-maru instead.
Sorry. Not sorry.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/27
Sounds like a guy that watch too many roleplay of porn.
TheSatanicReaper4 chapter 6 . 4/5
did I miss something or did Naruto fuck Tsunami while his team where almost getting them selves killed and then show up just to kill gatou and his men while showing off by using one attack
Anon chapter 22 . 1/2
Dude this fanfic sucks there’s no general story line it’s just all random like there’s characters from other anime popping in left right and center...what a waste of 4 hours damn
Anon chapter 12 . 1/2
Dude this fanfic sucks there’s no general story line it’s just all random like there’s characters from other anime popping in left right and center...what a waste of 4 hours
CelebTil chapter 7 . 12/28/2019
slug tsunade senju
raven Mikoto uchiha
sloth yoshino nara
devil kyuubi
bird hitomi hyuuga
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2019
Your grammar is horrible, the story line is one of the worst I’ve ever seen and you never seem to focus on a specific time. Disgusting story. Please kill yourself.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/20/2019
So much sex
NubNub007 chapter 2 . 9/19/2019
so bad but so good
Ryu wolf chapter 25 . 9/15/2019
This was an excellent chapter and I really enjoyed the story. It’s very well done
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