Reviews for Password Protected
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 12/5/2014
Knyle Borealis chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
Yay! Potter AU! And now Sherlock and John will go kick some bad wizards' to the kerb and live happily ever after. ...Oh, wait. Potter AU.

nuuu, Freeeedddd... T-T
Luna Rapunzel chapter 1 . 6/21/2014
Ooh, this was so lovely! I'm not generally a fan of AU crossover type fics, but this was incredibly entertaining to read and appealed to my Harry Potter childhood, not going to lie. Sherlock's dialogue was both hilarious and spot on, I thought - as a small side note there, I really appreciate the way you put his lines together grammatically, with all the long dashes, because I thought it mirrored the way that he would say them out loud very nicely. The premise of this was really charming, too, and it was so in-character for Sherlock to be the type of wizard to break into other common rooms and figure out the pattern to the moving stairwells. (Also super IC that he'd spend his energies on something like the staircases, since I think it really fit with his using his observational skills on things that interest him instead of things he's 'supposed' to do.)
Sherlock's 2nd Blogger chapter 1 . 6/20/2014
in the event of you continuing this, I am following it. This was good!
TheRandomRavenclaw chapter 1 . 2/27/2014
Awesome story so far! Please update! SHERLOCK IS AWESOMEEEEEEE! Season 2x3 though... and 3x3... :'(
hiddenhibernian chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I love this particular crossover combination – infinite possibilities to play around with the worlds!

Sherlock as a Slytherin – interesting! Personally I would have put him in Ravenclaw, since he seems to be more interested in deciphering people than manipulating them (leaving the latter to his brother), but I can see how the ability to read people's motives can be more Slytherin territory than Ravenclaw. Saying that, I do realise that you may be somewhat constrained by the fanart inspiration.

John couldn't possibly be anything other than a Gryffindor, however :)

I really enjoyed their conversation (or Sherlock's monologues interspersed with John's questions – just as it usually works between these two!). It paints a realistic portrait of what Sherlock's schooldays could have been like, whether Muggle or at Hogwarts, and his indignation at the teacher's incompetence is very much in character.

John and Sherlock are obviously friends, bur they don't seem to know each other that well yet – and still I don't get the impression that they're first-years. I'd love to read about how they became friends in this AU, if you're considering expanding this to more than a one-shot.

Sherlock's deduction about the Gryffindor prefects is just priceless...

Nitpick in the extreme: the first time it's 'portrait-hole', but at the end the dash has been replaced with a space. Despite being in the same fandom I can't seem to find out what the canon version is, so I think either works.

I didn't see anything else out of place; your writing is so proficient technically that everything flows smoothly, letting the reader immerse themselves in the story instead. Just the way it should be!

Despite not being British I'm usually pretty good at Britpicking, so take that as a vote of confidence :)
Lily chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
I love it! I've seen so many fanart crossovers of Harry Potter and Sherlock, but I've not read many fanfics.
AlessNox chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
excellent start. This so sounds like a series.
You go girl!
Private Fire chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
I usually search A: TLA only and accidentally found this gem. I love it! I haven't seen the TV show, but am familiar with the movies (old and new). I've been a Holmes fan for years and absolutely love the way you handled him and Watson in the Harry Potter world. I also love that you have him ultimately be a Slitheren.

GZZAHAVJKD chapter 1 . 11/17/2012
I love the idea of Sherlock Holmes as a Slytherin student - he's far too cunning and ambitious to be a Ravenclaw. I like how he's smart enough to know how worried everyone is about him but doesn't particularly care. That's the Sherlock I know and love. I like Watson being a Gryffindor, too - if the two do become friends, that would set a good precedent for future inter-House relationships. I can't see Holmes as the same kind of nasty as, say, Malfoy.

I love how analytical young Holmes is, even in Hogwarts. He must be a nightmare for the teachers.
Ennui Enigma chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
Fantastic! Can't comment on the British stuff or even the Harry Potter accuracy, but Sherlock and John are in their element. Great dialogue. Clever deductions on Sherlock's part. I love how you took the whole "password protected" and "not exactly Fort Knox" part from the series and wove it into a prompt for this story. Quite fun!
MapleleafCameo chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
Oh that was Brilliant - my two favourite fandoms in one by a fellow Canadian - well done - are you planning on more crossovers
jack63kids chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
My two fav fandoms and believably British, I assure you. I'm known for my Brit nitpickedlyness!

I love the pattern idea too. How brilliantly Sherlock and that he's in that house and not the other - I suppose he would be.
SkywardDiamond chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
I love this! The dialogue is sharp as hell. I adore the overly self-assured 'tude that Sherlock has going. It's almost too much, but not enough to make me dislike him ;) I found the explanation about the moving staircase to be quite riveting. Smart little bugger...
The detail about the socks I find hilarious for some reason. It's just so random, and seems to have no significance, yet somehow, you know it does because Sherlock says so. And he knows everything. Ha, I love this, good job.
Your spelling and grammar is great too, by the way.
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