Reviews for Greetings from Providence!
soulback chapter 7 . 6/9/2012
"I'm a menace to society!" ...I love Charlie. 'nuff said.

I bet he didn't even start reading about Jewish marriage customs until he met Steven, revealing his underlying need to have a nice normal two-father-three-adopted-children-family. (I do so love the idea that despite Charlie's wild ways, he is completely committed and reliable...)

I've never heard the saying 'like looking at an optical illusion and finally seeing the picture' before. That is the best saying.

Also, Cameron ending up with a ridiculously hot wife is canon :D

And Charlie's analogies. IT IS LIKE PIE. True words.
Corky the Quirk chapter 6 . 5/29/2012

I love the Dr. Merder/Murder concept. Did you come up with that or did you get inspiration from an actual show?

Also, I love that Charlie went to Harvard. He's totally smart enough.
Corky the Quirk chapter 5 . 5/29/2012
All I can think about are all the young children that will be scarred by a couple having sex in the zoo parking lot...

Also, I too think I was a giraffe in a past life. It must have been a grand life as well, considering when I was younger all I wanted to be was a giraffe.

I love that you included Chris and you actually made her pretty cool. The "Single Ladying it up and it's fantastic!" line was the best!
Corky the Quirk chapter 4 . 5/29/2012
Oh god, Jeffery calling Charlie "Chaz." So perfect.

And I'm pretty sure most people who come across Charlie Dalton in their lifetime are fucked, one way or another.

I thought it was a nice touch that Steven assumed Charlie had unrequited love for the boss's wife. Also, I'm wondering, does the boss's wife know that Charlie and Jeffery were once together?
soulback chapter 6 . 5/28/2012
probably shouldn't have read this while eating lunch at work with my colleagues. Grinning like ana idiot and also blushing from the STEVEN AND CHARLIE HOTNESS. And the Neil/Todd cuteness, oh my. Can I just say, I love this fic and the fact that I can read about my favourite fictional characters living happily ever after... or at least not dying at the end :D keep writing!
KatzillaM chapter 6 . 5/28/2012
Candied bacon... Hmm, I'm not sure what to think about that. And ohmygoodness I flipping love this fic. Just sayin. 3
ooihcnoiwlerh chapter 6 . 5/28/2012
I am liking the Neil/Todd. And I too would rank the death of my cat as more devastating than the break-up of a friend's frivolous relationship.
ooihcnoiwlerh chapter 5 . 5/20/2012
Well...huzzah for spontaneity! (mispelled, yes, I'm aware.)And Charlie's need to squabble over height difference is cute. I imagined him in the film as probably acting cool about it ("Big things come in small packages...except my, uh, package is the farthest thing from small") except this is funnier to read.
KatzillaM chapter 5 . 5/19/2012
Oh, yeah! I was waiting for a new chapter, and I was not let down! Oh and I laughed like a sweaty-toothed madwoman when he had the Marconi vs. Tesla shirt. I was just telling someone the other day how Tesla actually invented the radio, not Marconi.
KatzillaM chapter 4 . 4/30/2012
Omg! I LOVE Charlie Bartlett! Anyway, awesome story! Can't wait to read more
ooihcnoiwlerh chapter 4 . 4/30/2012
The first two sentences cracked me up. I'm sure there are lots of guys who wish for that to happen-but only if it's the Kat with a K, not a C. I wonder how many jokes you'll make about this?
soulback chapter 3 . 4/28/2012
you know this is like my favourite DPS AU/crack fic ever, right? it just always puts me in a good mood.

CARPE DIEM. enough said.

nawwww scratchy cardigan. for a moment I thought that was going to be Charlie's stubble-y face. he could probably get away with it, though. "YOUR NOSE IS BLEEDING. I WILL STOP THE BLEEDING WITH MY FACE. IT'S FIRST AID."

Life stories are always better with grilled cheese. this is a sound maxim and one I will live by from here on.

oooh Steven's 'naked' face. I really liked this bit. nice subtle flirtation. ("YOUR FACE IS NAKED. I WILL COVER IT UP WITH MY FACE." ...sorry, a bit too amused by my own joke there! :P )
ooihcnoiwlerh chapter 3 . 4/27/2012
This is sweet and fun to read, even if it is a little jarring now that it is taken into a modern setting. ("Facebook? Whaaa?")
Corky the Quirk chapter 3 . 4/27/2012
I'm finally catching up with all of the fan fiction I haven't been able to read lately!

Anyway, I love that you incorporated "No shit, Sherlock" into this. When it's subtle, lines from the movie are amazing.

I think it's so funny that Charlie named his cat Dennings, although I'm not a huge fan of her. But Anton Yelchin is one of my favorites, and Charlie Bartlett is awesome.

Charlie keeping the good restaurants for himself is priceless!
alb925 chapter 2 . 4/5/2012
Seeing this made me excited because I'm from Rhode Island so I was suprised to see it as a setting for a story.

Anyway, good job on this so far :)
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