Reviews for Tiny Little Fractures
DemiwitchSlytherin chapter 5 . 10/23/2019
Annie are you ok?
Guest chapter 15 . 5/6/2018
Hi! I read this like AGES ago, when you posted it at first. Definately followed it the whole time you were writing it. And, somehow, I ended up back here again because I stumbled into a Glee-fic hole.

Anyway, it's still as wonderful as it was when I first read it. Better maybe, because it's like coming back to an old friend. So, thank you again.
Biancachu chapter 15 . 4/12/2016
I liked the story! There were many typos, though. I liked the realism because Sebastian didn't magically become all better and he's still going to struggle and try to cope.
Biancachu chapter 6 . 4/11/2016
Sadly, I don't think Blaine and Kurt would have kissed that recklessly in a public airport. It's Lima, after all.

Oh, poor Seb.
Lolaruns chapter 15 . 1/12/2016
I don't even know how to start, well, maybe start apologizing for my english, it is my second language and it only sounds good when I am thinking about it, then it gets rotten when I speak it or write. But anyways, read this in two days and...gah! In my search for a kurtbastian that I read a few years ago, I stumble in this huge fic rec and ended up reading your "The Slap Bet" fic and loved your Sebastian, he is all that glee showed us (but a little more, because you know, as much as I love Glee, I know its writer and their lack of understanding of continuity is atrocious) but more developed and in a romantic light and loved how he fit with Kurt. Your characterization was on point and I loved it. Looked for more fanfics featuring them and ended here, and well, I am so glad I did. At the beginning I wasn't feeling it, but undeniably there was potential and about the third chapter, I just wanted to know what was going to happen. At times I found myself way to involved, other times trying to distract myself from feeling too much and worrying about how this was going to end. Like Kurt, I also realized that Sebastian needed real HELP when Blaine talked about it with Kurt (drugs were always implied, but like Kurt, I thought the little steps that he was making to help Sebastian was enough). Loved that you got us to that conclusion. Though I dislike Klaine and Blaine (well, with Kurt anyway) I actually liked him in this fic, he had flaws, but he was perfect. As for the ending...yes, I wanted Kurt and Sebastian together oficially, but loved the ending. It is real. I wish I had read this fanfic a few years ago, but I am extremely glad I am reading it right now!
Ana chapter 15 . 10/9/2015
This was raw and tense and beautifully written. I loved it. :)
Guest chapter 15 . 2/24/2015
I really enjoyed this story. I love Kurtbastian and would love to see this continue should it be in the cards.
crushonyou1 chapter 15 . 5/2/2014
I kept reading this absolutely gripping tale, wondering how on earth, having read so much kurtbastian, had I not found this amazing author before. I mean, characters that might jump from the page they're so clearly defined, so detailed feelings in such a difficult story (she must have known someone in this situation, it's so very realistic!), the flawless writing, and there you go at the very end 'well, I'm newspringrain on tumblr'!

So, in case it's not clear yet, I'm your fan. Disillusioned fan, btw, because there are some absolutely amazing stories by you, left unfinished (looking glumly at HKTBL).

You've bern MIA for several months and at this point I don't think you'll ever write that sequel, let alone finish those other fics. So all I've left to say is thank you, for what you've finished, because it is absolutely brilliant. I do hope your absence means your awesome talent has been put to use on other (paid) works, and I'll keep my fingers crossed wishing I'll stumble again into some of those in the future.
LochteNation chapter 15 . 3/16/2014
I love you. Like literally love you. This story is beautiful. I might cry.
aflaskj chapter 15 . 8/21/2013
this fic has probably ruined me for all kurtbastian friendship fics *_*

LayceLai chapter 15 . 8/14/2013
I finish all this story in one go and though I'm not a big fan for angsty fanfic,but this is amazing and I love it!Though it's not truly Kurtbastian in the end but I love the state of their relationship for now(And I secretly hope that Klaine will break up somehow know :P ) Thank you for writing such a good story!
PerfectBlackbird chapter 15 . 8/9/2013
So Kurt didnt break up with Blaine?
Calmzone1 chapter 15 . 7/7/2013
Really enjoyed this story. I am glad that it worked out ... yes, I know it is a massive undertaking to get clean, and I am so glad you addressed the emotional side of the addiction/circumstances. I am only questioning one thing as you are ending it... Kurt is still with Blaine. And I have to admit, I am an equal Klaine and Kurtbastian shipper. If they are written right, either one is amazing. I sometimes shake my head at the writers! Many of the fanfic authors would honestly do a better job, or if they had a discussion page, at least they could make suggestions! gr. sorry, mini-rant over ;) Thanks for an amazingly tough story to write. Glad you persevered through it to the end, and I'm going to search for a sequel now.
Calmzone1 chapter 8 . 7/7/2013
I feel like my heart broke reading this. And reading the story to this point.
Great writing... so difficult to read a character going through this sort of hell though.
grenouillenue chapter 15 . 6/16/2013
So i just read the whole thing and there were places I wanted to stop and review but I couldn't bring myself to put off finishing this story. It was compelling, type-os and all. ;) I appreciated the fact that the recovery wasn't instantaneous, that he still had some work to do.
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