Reviews for Once Upon a Time
Guest chapter 2 . 6/29
Here by way of a rec on ao3, enjoying this immensely so far!
imjustfierce chapter 22 . 2/18/2015
I LOVED this story! At first i found the timeline-switching a bit confusing, but i think it was a great idea. And i love the idea of Sherlock and John having already met somewhere when they were younger. I wish you'd expanded the story a bit more, wrote about what happened after, when they found out it was Moriarty who was behind the Carl Powers case, and how Sherlock and John's relationship developed, but whatever. I really enjoyed this story and i think you did a brilliant job. Much love x
Guest chapter 4 . 10/27/2014
Sorry for the waste of a comment, but I just wanted to correct your French.
"Tu n'avez aucune idee."- Sherlock
This should be
Tu n'as pas un idée, or, literally translated, you do not have an idea.
If you were trying to make a point about Sherlock's rudimentary French skills, then I would deign to point out that Julien would most likely have corrected him, considering he is considering the idea of teaching Sherlock french.
Raeya chapter 22 . 10/4/2014
Just read this story and utterly loved it. So glad they found their way together again.
seishi1 chapter 22 . 4/29/2014
I greatly enjoyed this, it was well-written and meticulous and I enjoyed the multiple views/timelines, which I know are difficult to write.
The ending, however, feels as if you'd gotten sick of the whole thing and hastily pasted a conclusion on. There was no denouement of the Carl Powers affair. How would John react to finding out his friend had murdered someone in high school and how Sherlock would react to knowing that, had he only listened to John's suspicions eons ago, he could have caught the killer so much earlier. And, of course, resolving Jim. He seemed to have feelings of some sort for John, or else he wouldn't have put up with John. He went out with someone whom you describe as being physically similar to John, and Jim reacts poorly to John's girlfriends-did Jim have a crush? Were they just friends? Would Jim be willing to wrap his old friend in semtex? So many incomplete threads.
But overall, I found this a very refreshing and original take on a school-age au.
Kinkylittlewolf chapter 22 . 2/26/2014
That was brilliant! Though I'm thinking it was a tad rushed in some places but it was still awesome!
Goldynwings chapter 7 . 10/17/2013
I feel like I should comment on this story to let you know someone else read it, or rather is reading it. It looks awesome! I'm genuinely excited to read more of it!
Goldynwings chapter 1 . 10/17/2013
Raxicoricofallapatorious chapter 5 . 9/23/2013
In love with this. And generally too pressed to read the next chapter to leave a review, but I wanted to draw attention to one thing:

Bill nodded factually. "Well, come on then, Protector of the Small. Can't leave him on his own."

Tamora Pierce reference. I love you. You rock!

Oedipus the King chapter 19 . 8/26/2013
H H Holmes, you say? H H Holmes is the alias of supposedly American's first serial killer.
carbonitedoubleohneg chapter 22 . 7/28/2013
Awwwww This is delightful. It also serves as a bit of a back story to one of my favourites of yours :)
musme chapter 22 . 7/21/2013
I love it
ising4life chapter 22 . 6/24/2013
I loved this story!
R.Harper chapter 22 . 6/21/2013

" "Why didn't you say anything?" he asked indignantly. "I've been sitting here for months now thinking I was the only one who remembered, feeling guilty for standing you up that day and thinking that maybe if I hadn't, things would have been different, and that whole time you knew?" "


Well, it took them bloody long enough, but I'm so pleased they found each other and admitted they remembered. I still bang my head on the desk in exasperation at their skirting around the issue, but at least it's been resolved.

I've loved this, and I'm so sad it's over :( Looking forward to whatever you write next.
IdrisLady chapter 22 . 6/20/2013
Very cute and very sad and very happy and very, very perfect.

I do kinda feel bad for the cabbie, though.
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